[ovirt-users] ovirt 3.6, we had the ovirt manager go down in a bad way and all VMs for one node marked Unknown and Not Reponding while up

Christopher Cox ccox at endlessnow.com
Tue Jan 23 21:58:31 UTC 2018

Like the subject says.. I tried to clear the status from the vm_dynamic 
for a VM, but it just goes back to 8.

Any hints on how to get things back to a known state?

I tried marking the node in maint, but it can't move the "Unknown" VMs, 
so that doesn't work.  I tried rebooting a VM, that doesn't work.

The state of the VMs is up.... and I think they are running on the node 
they say they are running on, we just have the Unknown problem with VMs 
on that one node.  So... can't move them, reboot VMs doens't fix....

Any trick to restoring state so that oVirt is ok???

(what a mess)

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