On 10/17/2012 04:51 AM, Dead Horse wrote:
The point is valid on the random passwords in a secured environment.
However that being said the randomly generated password does make it a
pain when interacting with HTML5 based clients (SPICE or VNC) or any
standalone client for that matter.
At the very least can this to be made to be configurable? The default
can be as is but at the very least allow for configurable VNC or SPICE
passwords if so desired..
Curiously I know that the Web UI does not allow for this now but is it
possible to change the password policies via any existing engine or vdsm
- default 120 second password re-generation, can this be altered?
- fixed vs randomly generated password?
A side note are there any plans of the horizon for integrating support
or allowing for interaction with HTML5 based clients mostly VNC but with
new SPICE HTML5 client?
it is configurable, just need to fix the dialog to accept the TTL of the
password, or allow to accept the password from the user.
you can do both via the REST API.
you can either pass a password to the engine, or not pass a password,
and then engine will generate a random one for you.