Hi, Itamar Heim:
I used ovirit-engine-sdk-python to connect ovirt-engine and get vms
It's about 20 seconds, so I felt it's slow.
I have build govirt success, but how can I use it, I give
and proxy = ovirt_proxy_new(REST_URI) always return NULL;
-----Original Message-----
From: Itamar Heim [mailto:iheim@redhat.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 5:29 AM
To: wlbleaboy@126
Cc: cfergeau(a)redhat.com; engine-devel(a)ovirt.org; Michael Pasternak
Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] about govirt
On 06/04/2013 01:23 PM, wlbleaboy@126 wrote:
> Hi, cfergeau:
> Recently, I do something about ovirt-engine-sdk, I just want to
> console a vm via sdk, but I found the sdk implemented by python is
> so slowly, so I want to build a simple sdk use C to do that,
Can you please share more info on what do you mean by "slow"?
> before I do it, I found the code govirt you worte, I felt
> luckly, you
> had do that. So I got the code, but when I build it on ubuntu, it's failed
> I used autogen.sh , but got the error message
> like:
> configure: error: Package requirements (rest-0.7 >= 0.7.13)
> were not met:
> No package 'rest-0.7' found
> Because I didn't familiar with autogen and configure, such gnu
> build tools,
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