See comments/questions inline.
----- Original Message -----
From: "ly pan" <plysab(a)>
To: engine-devel(a)
Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2013 5:23:32 AM
Subject: [Engine-devel] Problem in ovirt-reports sso
Hello, I have a reports problem which has got me for many days now.
The reports sso feature is not functioning in my invironment.
I followed the steps from the wiki page:
and the patch related to sso:,3355
here is my steps:
1. install jasperreports 4.7.0 using the bundled tomcat and the
existing DB
2. modify the db password in ovirt.xml
3. import the reports using
4. add the EngineSimplePreAuthFilter in
Can you share that file with us? (obviously
remove sensitive data from it, such as keystore password).
5. add Reports.xml to the wenadmin folder and change
RedirectServletReportsPage in db
6. generate a keystore using keytool and update
EngineSimplePreAuthFilter in applicationContext-security-web.xml
supposed to create a trust store, that trusts the certificate of the oVirt engine. Did you
do that?
7. install the ovirt-dwh rpm package made from source and run
8. start the ovirt-engine service and the tomcat
And all the projects, ovirt-dwh, ovirt-reports, ovirt-engine, is
from the latest source.
When I browse to the dashboard in webadmin portal,it just shows a
jasper login page,
so the sso is not functioning, right?
Can you please attach the jboss logs?
(engine.log and server.log).
I can login and browse jasper reports in a browser page normally.
So I try to login in dashboard using reports user, tomcat gives me a
"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An id is required to lookup a
Not sure if that error is related or not, but hopefully the logs will point us to
the problem.
What might be the problem? Am I missing anything?
Any help would be appriciated, thanks.
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