Oracle Linux is offering CentOS users/dev/production servers to switch to Oracle Linux
free of cost. They've produced a script to do this. Oracle also has their own
Repo's for oVirt and use it for their own Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager
[Re-branded oVirt].
I know Red Hat has announced moving away from RHV and focusing on OpenShift
virtualization. They'll happen in 2022-forward. Are we already to assume oVirt will
follow suite and migrate to OpenShift??
Since announcement of CentOS going EOL and move to CentOS Stream... [Not doing it].
- Will the oVirt team continue to develop past 4.4 release as well as support Oracle
- Does Oracle really develop to their own ovirt repo and virtualization manager product
- What about supporting OpenSuSE or SLES?
- oVirt packages on RHEL? [RH announced they will allow RHEL installed on up to 16-hosts
for FREE]
I am considering to test moving CentOS 7 development work-loads to Oracle Linux and use
their oVirt repo.
Really like to know if oVirt developers plan to continue to build on what is there moving
forward. Or will the project die? I use oVirt on production work-loads [same as others]
with GREAT success. This is an absolute VMWare replacement.