python3-psycopg2-2.8.6-3.el8.x86_64 landed on testing repo, Joran can you
please retry?
With python3-psycopg2-2.8.6-3 on the hosted engine VM I can successfully
add a Managed Block Storage domain.
Changes needed for Ceph to ultimately work from a reboot: OSDs arent't auto
This needs event_activation = 0 in lvm.conf and vgimportdevices with the
event_activation because (non-boot) LVs arent't auto activated on startup,
and vgimportdevices to ultimately find PVs to be scanned for LVM.
Installation, and adding Block Storage Domain: Checked. Works.
Unfortunately I stumbled across this issue - I cannot copy a disk to
Managed Block Storage from the NFS storage domain.
Attached is engine log and vdsm stack trace from node.