On 12/07/2012 09:53 PM, Saggi Mizrahi wrote:
connectStorageRepository(repoId, repoFormat,
>>>>> connectionParameters={}):
>>>>> repoId - is a transient name that will be used to refer to the
>>>>> connected domain, it is not persisted and doesn't have to be the
>>>>> same across the cluster.
>>>>> repoFormat - Similar to what used to be type (eg. localfs-1.0,
>>>>> nfs-3.4, clvm-1.2).
>>>>> connectionParameters - This is format specific and will used to
>>>>> tell VDSM how to connect to the repo.
>>>> Where does repoID
come from? I think repoID doesn't exist before
>>>> connectStorageRepository() return. Isn't repoID a return value of
>>>> connectStorageRepository()?
>>> No, repoIDs are no longer part of the domain, they are just a
>>> transient handle.
>>> The user can put whatever it wants there as long as it isn't
>>> already taken by another currently connected domain.
>> So what happens when user mistakenly gives a repoID
that is in use
>> before.. there should be something in the return value that specifies
>> the error and/or reason for error so that user can try with a
>> new/diff
>> repoID ?
> Asi I said, connect fails if the repoId is in use ATM.
so how do add connections to the repo without first disconnecting it
("extend storage domain" flow)?