I've tried to move ovirt-engine-extensions-api
https://github.com/ovirt/ovirt-engine-extensions-api> to github and setup
GH action to build to have some sort of a basic template for all our Java
based projects:
During the work I discovered some parts which should be further discussed:
1. Most of projects requires packages from ovirt-master-release RPM
repositories to build itself
- In past we have been using
https://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release-master.rpm to fetch
the latest version of this RPM
- Do we plan to keep it and have this URL as the main source for oVirt
master repositories?
- ovirt-engine-extensions-api projects requires only Virt SIG repo so
I've applied below hack to provide it:
- I don't like the solution, it would be much nicer to have a constant
URL for the latest ovirt-release-master RPM
2. Providing RPM repositories for different OS inside single build artifact
- I wanted to build the project for both CentOS Stream 8 and 9, but I
figured out that upload-artifact action merges results for all different OS
builds into a single directory, so created repositories are mixed together.
- I've use GH strategy option and used centos-stream-8 for CS8 and
centos-stream-9 for CS9 builds:
- Do we already have that documented so an OST plugin to use those
artifacts per OS can be created? If not, where to put it?
3. Using maven cache for Java project builds
- When build maven projects in
jenkins.ovirt.org we were using
artifactory.ovirt.org to cache maven artifacts (and also save download
bandwidth to PHX datacenter)
- It doesn't make to use
artifactory.ovirt.org inside GH actions, so
I've tried to define a GH action specific cache:
4. Caching required dependencies
- Above maven dependencies helps for maven invocations before RPM build
but it doesn't help to fetch all required RPM dependencies for pro RPM
maven based build
- Right now it's almost 500 GB of packages to download and install on
top of the default container and it for ovirt-engine-extensions-api it
takes 50 % of the whole build
time just to download and install those packages (I know it's just 1
minute, but anyway :-)
- I've noticed that VDSM is using its own customized container
- Wouldn't it be worthwhile to also create customized containers for
Java based projects?
5. Differences between CS8 and CS9
- There are again some disturbing changes between CS8 and CS9:
- PowerTools repo from CS8 is now called CRB in CS9
- pki-deps javapackages-tools modules from CS8 don't exist in CS9
- Core DNF plugins are not installed by default in CS9 container
- To bypass those differences I've create 2 different shell scripts and
plug them into a single workflow job:
6. git commands cannot be easily used inside GH action
- GH doesn't checkout the project completely during checkout action, so
.git directory is not present
- In the past I've been using 'git archive'
to create .tar.gz source archive, but on GH it needed to be switched
to a classic
- In the past I've been using 'git rev-list'
to fetch short git hash for snapshot builds, but on GH it needed to be
switched to below hack
Martin Perina
Manager, Software Engineering
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.