It's python SDK (embedded in C code), version 3.1
----- Исходное сообщение -----
От: "Juan Hernandez" <jhernand(a)>
Кому: "Denis Kirjanov" <kda(a)>, devel(a)
Отправленные: Четверг, 21 Август 2014 г 18:43:12
Тема: Re: [ovirt-devel] ovirtsdk.infrastructure.errors.ConnectionError
On 08/21/2014 04:36 PM, Denis Kirjanov wrote:
I'm having problem connecting from terminal session (not X
Everything works perfectly well from the X session.
One of my pam modules connects to vm manager, but triggers the following error:
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ovirtsdk/infrastructure/", line
169, in __doRequest
raise ConnectionError, str(e)
ovirtsdk.infrastructure.errors.ConnectionError: [ERROR]::Connection failure, [Errno 13]
Permission denied
I can't figure out what the reason is
Are you using only the Python SDK or also the CLI? What versions?
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