On 18.09.2017 09:30, Viktor Mihajlovski wrote:
as a heads up: I'd like to contribute some basic support for the s390
architecture to oVirt. For that purpose I'll post some patches to
gerrit, mostly for the following repositories: VDSM,
ovirt-engine-api-model and ovirt-engine. There might be some collateral
patches that need to go into ovirt-host[-deploy] since not all of the
pre-requisite RPMs are available on s390, but this probably needs a
separate discussion.
I've started to hang out on the #ovirt OFTC channel, feel free to ping
me if you have questions related to s390. Thanks!
Short update, with yesterday's API model 4.2.25 release, there's basic
support for s390 available in ovirt-engine. At this point in time, there
are no ovirt yum repositories for the s390x architecture - not sure what
the process would be to add s390x repositories and how to build the
binary RPMs at least for the host packages (i.e. vdsm-*). Maybe it would
possible to use the s390-koji infrastructure used to build Fedora for s390x?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Kind Regards
Viktor Mihajlovski