On 12/01/2011 10:41 PM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 02:09:42PM -0500, Andrew Cathrow wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Doron Fediuck" <dfediuck(a)redhat.com>
>>> To: "Dan Kenigsberg" <danken(a)redhat.com>
>>> Cc: engine-devel(a)ovirt.org, "Igor Lvovsky"
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2011 10:52:42 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Stable PCI/DEvice addresses
>>> On Thursday 01 December 2011 16:11:07 Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 02:06:52PM +0200, Livnat Peer wrote:
>>>>> Moving this back to list -
>>>>> On 12/01/2011 01:49 PM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 06:26:16AM -0500, Eli Mesika wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi guys
>>>>>>> I need the xml/json format representing the VM installed
>>>>>>> devices.
>>>>>>> Livnat asked me to add it to my Wiki
>>>>>>> Please feel free to either send it to me or edit the VDSM
>>>>>>> section adding this info.
>>>>>> I think that it is wrong to document this in this point in
>>>>>> time. The
>>>>>> data is a blob, generated by libvirt, copied by Vdsm, and not
>>>>>> expected
>>>>>> to be editted by RHEV-M.
>>>>>> If you REALLY want to know, it is simply libvirt's domain
>>>>>> which is
>>>>>> well-documented in
>>>>>> Dan.
>>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>>> Since i suspect the next requirement on this would be for RHEVM
>>>>> to parse
>>>>> the "blob" and enable user to specify addresses i think
>>>>> content of
>>>>> the "blob" should be discussed.
>>>>> Otherwise we'll have to support this "blob" format for
the sake
>>>>> of
>>>>> backwards compatibility and not be able to set a reasonable API
>>>>> between
>>>>> the engine and VDSM.
>>>> The requirement for 3.1 alowed me to define an opaque parameter,
>>>> with
>>>> which Vdsm uses the Engine to store the VM device addresses.
>>>> We "secretly" opted for storing the libvirt domxml because it
>>>> already
>>>> contains addresses for just about anything, and would alow us to do
>>>> even more evil things in the future (I'm thinking about specifying
>>>> complete boot order, and other things which libvirt long supports,
>>>> but
>>>> Vdsm does not). Another reason was that this was a very simple
>>>> thing
>>>> to do. The down side is that this "device-blob" is a bit
>>>> in
>>>> size, and if you look deep into it, it has duplicate information on
>>>> top
>>>> of Vdsm's "create" verb.
>>>> We should probably not include the <source> elements in the blob
>>>> they
>>>> are very verbose and uninteresting to RHEV-M.
>>>> If stressed, Vdsm could report only the <devices> element. It
>>>> also
>>>> convert it to json or yaml, compress and encrypt it - but I do not
>>>> see
>>>> the point of these transformations.
>>>> Dan.
>>> The direction this is taking is for Engine core to be able to parse
>>> and
>>> edit libvirt's domxml, while vdsm is agnostic (or partially agnostic)
>>> to
>>> the blob.
>>> Is this what we really need? want?
>> When we discuss the blob are we talking about just the address part - eg .
>> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00'
slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>
>> or something more?
> This is exactly the question. Until today, the blob was just a blob, opaque to
> the engine, and there was no discussion.
> If the engine wants to be able to control and edit the device addresses, we must
> agree on how to represent the address for each device type, and how to name each
> device. The simplest solution is to tap on the good work of the libvirt chaps.
> If we ever want to, it would allow the Engine to do the crazier stuff alluded by
> Doron - but it does not force us to go down this path, though.
> In my original design I imagined the blob to be a complete libvirt domxml. However,
> I understand the benefits of a more specific "blob". For the feature at
hand, it
> is safe to limit this down to the <devices> element, with its <source>
> stripped, and possibly converted to your data representation language du jour.
> Dan.
Hi Dan,
I understand why pass-through of the domxml is appealing, as it reduces
work for the current feature, it is also enabling us easily to support
all type of device addresses that are supported by libvirt.
What i like less is the format, I rather not use a verbose xml for this
but use JSON as we have in several other places in the engine.
The next cycle on this feature is to expose the ability to edit
addresses by the user, and for that we'll need to manipulate the domxml
in the engine - less fun.
So although it is more work for us now i rather get the device section
in a JSON format.
I'm not sure I understand why xml->json conversion is more fun to do in
Vdsm than in Engine; I don't see it as a difficult step either way.
The problem is that we have an already-well-defined interface for
device naming and addressing (libvirt's). Inventing another one, even if
it is only a straight-forward xml-to-json conversion, would inevitably
add doubts and places for bugs.
BTW - Is there a chance libvirt will support JSON format in the future
for describing the VM? then we can use the format they suggest for this
and it can be a JSON pass-through in the future ;)
It has been years since I've touched infinitesimal probabilities, so I
shall leave this question to a libvirt Daniel.