----- Original Message -----
Hi, All
I know about Openstack can support many kind of storage, it's cinder
component can support storage like IBM, HP, DELL, and can get all support
list from :https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CinderSupportMatrix
and Openstack have many driver can use for connect Block Storage.
How about oVirt storage support ? There are any document can list oVirt
support storage ?
Cinder has that list because it is *limited* to these types of storage. For each one of
these to work with cinder it has to have a cinder driver (code specifically written to
manage the storage out of bound).
oVirt does not manage the storage itself (for better or worse) so it supports anything
that exposes LUNs (iSCSI, FC, etc) or mountable file systems (NFS, Gluster, etc).
There are a few limitations though:
1. storage must support direct I/O (for VM workloads this is always true, not just for
2. if to connect you need something beyond mount / iscsi software connection then
you'd have to handle that yourself. e.g. setting up an FCoE software initiator would
have to be done manually.
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