On 02/17/2017 05:53 AM, Marc Young wrote:
Using the ruby sdk I'm unable to start a VM on a specific host.
According to the API docs at api/v4/model#types/vm_placement_policy :
Name Type
hosts Host[]
No matter what I specify, I run into this same bug:
65: require 'pry'
66: binding.pry
=> 68: machine.start(
69: use_cloud_init: true,
70: vm: vm_configuration
71: )
73: @app.call(env)
[1] pry(#<VagrantPlugins::OVirtProvider::Action::StartVM>)>
vm_configuration[:placement_policy] = { :hosts => [{ :host =>
'server.test.local' }], :affinity => 'pinned' }
[2] pry(#<VagrantPlugins::OVirtProvider::Action::StartVM>)>
=> {:initialization=>
:nic_configurations=>[{:name=>"eth0", :on_boot=>true,
:boot_protocol=>"static", :ip=>{:version=>"v4",
:address=>"", :gateway=>""}}],
"write_files:\n - content: |\n wat\n path:
/tmp/something.txt\n permissions: '0644'\nnetwork-interfaces: |\n
auto eth0\n iface eth0 inet static\n address\n
network\n netmask\n gateway\n dns-nameservers\n"},
==> default: An error occured. Recovering..
==> default: Halting VM...
==> default: Waiting for VM to shutdown...
==> default: Removing VM...
`raise_error': Fault reason is "Incomplete parameters". Fault detail
is "Host [id|name] required for
validateAndUpdateHostsInPlacementPolicy". HTTP response code is 400.
The same goes with giving an object instead of a hash object
=> 68: machine.start(
69: use_cloud_init: true,
70: vm: vm_configuration
71: )
73: @app.call(env)
[1] pry(#<VagrantPlugins::OVirtProvider::Action::StartVM>)>
hosts_service = env[:connection].system_service.hosts_service
[2] pry(#<VagrantPlugins::OVirtProvider::Action::StartVM>)> host =
hosts_service.list(search: 'name=server.test.local')[0]
[3] pry(#<VagrantPlugins::OVirtProvider::Action::StartVM>)> host.status
=> "up"
[4] pry(#<VagrantPlugins::OVirtProvider::Action::StartVM>)>
vm_configuration[:placement_policy] = { :hosts => [{ :host => host }]}
==> default: An error occured. Recovering..
==> default: Halting VM...
==> default: Waiting for VM to shutdown...
==> default: Removing VM...
`raise_error': Fault reason is "Incomplete parameters". Fault detail
is "Host [id|name] required for
validateAndUpdateHostsInPlacementPolicy". HTTP response code is 400.
The host is indicated using an object of type 'OvirtSDK4::Host', with
the 'name' attribute set to the host name or the 'id' attribute set to
the host id. So you need to create the 'vm_configuration' like this:
vm_configuration = OvirtSDK4::Vm.new(
placement_policy: {
hosts: [
name: 'myhost'
Unfortunately the Ruby doesn't provide a good mechanism to check the
types of arguments, so the error message generated isn't very helpful.
We are working on improving that. See this bug:
sdk should raise an exception when unknown parameter is used
When that is fixed you will receive an exception with a message like this:
The type of the 'host' attribute should be 'OvirtSDK4::Host'
but it is 'String'.
Remember that you have the Ruby SDK reference available here:
The expected types of parameters and attributes is documented there. For
example, the definition of the 'VmPlacementPolicy.hosts' attribute is here:
There you can see that the expected type is Array<Host>.