oVirt engine:
oVirt node: 4.4.7
Steps of reproducing the problem:
After a series of regular/successful backup tests by using CBT+imageio API, at one of the
backup session beginning, when trying to obtain the VM config and snapshot list (obtain
snapshot list can determine the VM disk is in RAW or QCOW2 format) by using `GET
vms/<vm-id>/snapshots`, the below error is received.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
<detail>duplicate key acf1edaa-e950-4c4f-94df-1bd6b3da49c1 (attempted merging
values and</detail>
<reason>Operation Failed</reason>
After this on the oVirt engine web console, we saw the VM which should only have 1 disk is
now showing 2 disks, the disk status always in Finalizing state.
It's been more than 30 hours but the VM still got duplicated disks and still showing
Finalizing, there's no way to modify the virtual disk or take snapshots for the VM.
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