today I had to test how to recover a broken system using backup/restore tool [1] or
disaster recovery procedure [2].
Unfortunately I really had a lot of troubles just trying to setup my test environment so
no good news on that side.
I was using two host: one for the engine, the other as an hypervisor.
Both with latest fedora 19 updates.
For a fault of mine I add oVirt 3.5 RC2 repository on the engine host but I forgot to do
the same on the second host and it generates a lot of problems.
I installed the ovirt engine, release 3.5 RC2, on the first host and from the web admin UI
I was trying to add the second host.
I discovered that using jsonrpc mode it doesn't check/enforce or at least advice about
cluster compatibility level failing silently. I opened a bug for that [3].
Than I start using xmlrpc mode that suggested me to downgrade the cluster compatibility
mode to 3.3; I did that but it still failed adding my host apparently due to SELinux or
Gluster errors; I opened a bug also for that [4].
So I understood that I forgot to add oVirt 3.5 repo on the second host; I opened a bug
against host-deploy with install rpms but doesn't handle RPM repos. On my opinion it
would make the setup more user friendly or at least more controllable for us [5].
So I added the yum repository and I tried again; I noticed that host-deploy upgrades vdsm
stuff but it wasn't enough to get 3.5 compatibility level so, investigating it a bit,
I noticed that host-deploy upgrades vdsm stuff but completely ignores libvirt one
generating a nonworking setup; I opened a bug also for that [6].
At the end, after manually upgrade libvirt rpms I was able to add my host.
Than I briefly tested backup/restore and disaster recovery procedures which seam to work
as expected.
So, at the end, on my opinion we have still to work a bit more to make the setup more user