On 01/15/2013 06:58 AM, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
> >all "voting" processes are based on emails today
(well, other than
> >patches which go through gerrit).
> >(we vote on infra on "technical" repo aspects, say here, since this
> >is part of the reports subprojects, same for java-sdk). but for a new
> >repo/subproject/concept, we actually go through the board mailing list.
I see where you are going. From the Infra point of view, should we
decide if a request for a repo is reasonable? Developers know if they
need them, the Board is the decider if something is outside of a simple
repo request, such as the net-new repo/subproject/concept you mention.
By this I mean, I don't think there is any voting to be done by the team.
By the time a request comes to the Infra team, should it already be
vetted as reasonable and needed?
I think we use common sense and suggest going to board on things which
aren't a logistical/technical change.