Am 27-02-2014 13:23, schrieb Shu Ming:
Another useful API comes to my mind, the administrator will most
likely just add one user from the existing users. How can he do
that? He is lazy and would like to input one new user instead of all
the existing users plus the new user. I think we can have something
like these:
/vms/vm1 PUT { 'IsAdd': True, 'users': "user4'} Add user4 to
['user1', 'user2', user3'] for vm1
/vms/<vm1 PUT { 'IsAdd': False, 'users': "user1'} Delete
user1 from
existing ['user1', 'user2', user3'] vm1
It would be useful but it is not needed. If the administrator is lazy,
he should not use the REST API directly. There is (well there will be) a
UI in which they can click, and add, and remove users very easily. The
UI handles the REST commands and generates the new array with the
resulting users/groups.