On 03/03/2014 12:20 PM, Shu Ming wrote:
I got another idea to check of the string is utf-8 already not
checking the cherrypy's version, see the below:
return res;
except UnicodeDecodeError:
We should avoid base our code in the package versions.
That way we make sure the code will code independent of it.
2014/3/3 17:50, Sheldon:
> Now there's a issue:
> The reason of this issue is because high level cherrpy version make
> some change about set_response.
> The high level cherrpy encode the unicode error message by itself.
> So the kimchi do not encode the unicode error message any more.
> It is right, the cherrpy should encode the unicode error message.
> Now we can require the cherrypy version to solve this problem.
> we can also check the cherrypy version in kimchi code as follow in
> order to avoid to require the cherrypy version.
> like:
> if cherrypy.__version__ << 3.2.5:
> return res
> else:
> return res.encode("utf-8")
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