This RFC is to illustrate how attach disk to vm works and what the API
looks like.
Use case:
1. Guest wants to attach a volume which contains data.
2. Guest is running out of storage space, attach an empty volume to
extend storage space.
1. Create a **float** volume in a storage pool.(float means this
volume will not be deleted when vm's deleted, it is independent from vm)
Only **float** volume can be attached to vm.(to solve volume
ref count problem), All volumes created from storage tab is float ones,
because embedded storage is created when vm's created.
POST /storagepools/pool-1/storagevolumes/
{'float': True, 'size':10G, 'name':
GET /storagepools/pool-1/storagevolumes/a-float-volume
{'float': True, 'ref_count':0, ...}
2. On vm tab, list all availabe float volumes, currently only
support ref_count=0 volumes, select one and attach it to vm.
GET /storagepools/pool-1/storagevolumes?float=True&ref_count=0
GET /storagepools/pool-2/storagevolumes?float=True&ref_count=0
POST /vms/vm-1/storages/
{'storagepool': 'pool-1',
'dev': 'hda', 'type':'disk'}
3. Detaching a disk from a vm, NOTE: this will make no change to
content in the volume, just make it isolated from vm, if you want to
delete storage, go to storage tab.
DELETE /vms/vm-1/storages/hda
This means we support disks from different storagepool,
Temporarily we don't support share disk (in the future it will be
handled in a single feature).
VM deletion will not involve float disk.
As PCI hotplug already supported, we can add disk to a running vm.
Thanks to Mark Wu to contribute idea of float to solve volume life cycle
problem. Part of the inner implementation already be done by Rodrigo and
Daniel, I will try to extend their implementation for hard disk.
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