[Engine-devel] [vdsm] RFC: New Storage API

Shu Ming shuming at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Dec 6 16:02:02 UTC 2012


Thanks for sharing your thought and I get some comments below.

Saggi Mizrahi:
> I've been throwing a lot of bits out about the new storage API and I think it's time to talk a bit.
> I will purposefully try and keep implementation details away and concentrate about how the API looks and how you use it.
> First major change is in terminology, there is no long a storage domain but a storage repository.
> This change is done because so many things are already called domain in the system and this will make things less confusing for new-commers with a libvirt background.
> One other changes is that repositories no longer have a UUID.
> The UUID was only used in the pool members manifest and is no longer needed.
> connectStorageRepository(repoId, repoFormat, connectionParameters={}):
> repoId - is a transient name that will be used to refer to the connected domain, it is not persisted and doesn't have to be the same across the cluster.
> repoFormat - Similar to what used to be type (eg. localfs-1.0, nfs-3.4, clvm-1.2).
> connectionParameters - This is format specific and will used to tell VDSM how to connect to the repo.

Where does repoID come from? I think repoID doesn't exist before 
connectStorageRepository() return.  Isn't repoID a return value of 

> disconnectStorageRepository(self, repoId)
> In the new API there are only images, some images are mutable and some are not.
> mutable images are also called VirtualDisks
> immutable images are also called Snapshots
> There are no explicit templates, you can create as many images as you want from any snapshot.
> There are 4 major image operations:
> createVirtualDisk(targetRepoId, size, baseSnapshotId=None,
>                    userData={}, options={}):
> targetRepoId - ID of a connected repo where the disk will be created
> size - The size of the image you wish to create
> baseSnapshotId - the ID of the snapshot you want the base the new virtual disk on
> userData - optional data that will be attached to the new VD, could be anything that the user desires.
> options - options to modify VDSMs default behavior
> returns the id of the new VD

I think we will also need a function to check if a a VirtualDisk is 
based on a specific snapshot.
Like: isSnapshotOf(virtualDiskId, baseSnapshotID):

> createSnapshot(targetRepoId, baseVirtualDiskId,
>                 userData={}, options={}):
> targetRepoId - The ID of a connected repo where the new sanpshot will be created and the original image exists as well.
> size - The size of the image you wish to create
> baseVirtualDisk - the ID of a mutable image (Virtual Disk) you want to snapshot
> userData - optional data that will be attached to the new Snapshot, could be anything that the user desires.
> options - options to modify VDSMs default behavior
> returns the id of the new Snapshot
> copyImage(targetRepoId, imageId, baseImageId=None, userData={}, options={})
> targetRepoId - The ID of a connected repo where the new image will be created
> imageId - The image you wish to copy
> baseImageId - if specified, the new image will contain only the diff between image and Id.
>                If None the new image will contain all the bits of image Id. This can be used to copy partial parts of images for export.
> userData - optional data that will be attached to the new image, could be anything that the user desires.
> options - options to modify VDSMs default behavior

Does this function mean that we can copy the image from one repository 
to another repository? Does it cover the semantics of storage migration, 
storage backup, storage incremental backup?

> return the Id of the new image. In case of copying an immutable image the ID will be identical to the original image as they contain the same data. However the user should not assume that and always use the value returned from the method.
> removeImage(repositoryId, imageId, options={}):
> repositoryId - The ID of a connected repo where the image to delete resides
> imageId - The id of the image you wish to delete.
> ----
> getImageStatus(repositoryId, imageId)
> repositoryId - The ID of a connected repo where the image to check resides
> imageId - The id of the image you wish to check.
> All operations return once the operations has been committed to disk NOT when the operation actually completes.
> This is done so that:
> - operation come to a stable state as quickly as possible.
> - In case where there is an SDM, only small portion of the operation actually needs to be performed on the SDM host.
> - No matter how many times the operation fails and on how many hosts, you can always resume the operation and choose when to do it.
> - You can stop an operation at any time and remove the resulting object making a distinction between "stop because the host is overloaded" to "I don't want that image"
> This means that after calling any operation that creates a new image the user must then call getImageStatus() to check what is the status of the image.
> The status of the image can be either optimized, degraded, or broken.
> "Optimized" means that the image is available and you can run VMs of it.
> "Degraded" means that the image is available and will run VMs but it might be a better way VDSM can represent the underlying data.

What does the "represent" mean here?
> "Broken" means that the image can't be used at the moment, probably because not all the data has been set up on the volume.
> Apart from that VDSM will also return the last persisted status information which will conatin
> hostID - the last host to try and optimize of fix the image
Any host can optimize the image? No need to be SDM?

> stage - X/Y (eg. 1/10) the last persisted stage of the fix.
> percent_complete - -1 or 0-100, the last persisted completion percentage of the aforementioned stage. -1 means that no progress is available for that operation.
> last_error - This will only be filled if the operation failed because of something other then IO or a VDSM crash for obvious reasons.
>               It will usually be set if the task was manually stopped
> The user can either be satisfied with that information or as the host specified in host ID if it is still working on that image by checking it's running tasks.

So we need a function to know what tasks are running on the image
> checkStorageRepository(self, repositoryId, options={}):
> A method to go over a storage repository and scan for any existing problems. This includes degraded\broken images and deleted images that have no yet been physically deleted\merged.
> It returns a list of Fix objects.
> Fix objects come in 4 types:
> clean - cleans data, run them to get more space.
> optimize - run them to optimize a degraded image
> merge - Merges two images together. Doing this sometimes
>          makes more images ready optimizing or cleaning.
>          The reason it is different from optimize is that
>          unmerged images are considered optimized.
> mend - mends a broken image
> The user can read these types and prioritize fixes. Fixes also contain opaque FIX data and they should be sent as received to
> fixStorageRepository(self, repositoryId, fix, options={}):
> That will start a fix operation.
> All major operations automatically start the appropriate "Fix" to bring the created object to an optimize\degraded state (the one that is quicker) unless one of the options is
> AutoFix=False. This is only useful for repos that might not be able to create volumes on all hosts (SDM) but would like to have the actual IO distributed in the cluster.
> Other common options is the strategy option:
> It has currently 2 possible values
> space and performance - In case VDSM has 2 ways of completing the same operation it will tell it to value one over the other. For example, whether to copy all the data or just create a qcow based of a snapshot.
> The default is space.
> You might have also noticed that it is never explicitly specified where to look for existing images. This is done purposefully, VDSM will always look in all connected repositories for existing objects.
> For very large setups this might be problematic. To mitigate the problem you have these options:
> participatingRepositories=[repoId, ...] which tell VDSM to narrow the search to just these repositories
> and
> imageHints={imgId: repoId} which will force VDSM to look for those image ID just in those repositories and fail if it doesn't find them there.
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舒明 Shu Ming
Open Virtualization Engineerning; CSTL, IBM Corp.
Tel: 86-10-82451626  Tieline: 9051626 E-mail: shuming at cn.ibm.com or shuming at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Address: 3/F Ring Building, ZhongGuanCun Software Park, Haidian District, Beijing 100193, PRC

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