[Engine-devel] gwt: new "userportal-gwtp" module, new "gwt-user-gwtp" mvn profile

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Wed Feb 22 11:23:19 UTC 2012

On 02/22/2012 11:50 AM, Einav Cohen wrote:
> Hi,
> A new oVirt UI module that is called "userportal-gwtp" has been introduced recently; it is written on top of the "gwt-common" infrastructure (on which the "web-admin" is based), and is targeted to eventually replace the existing "userportal" module.
> This module is still on the works - it is not fully functional yet.
> In order to build this new project (i.e., compile it to java-script), you need to "mvn build" oVirt with the "gwt-user-gwtp" profile (i.e., with "-Pgwt-user-gwtp").
> The "gwt-user-gwtp" mvn profile has been added to the oVirt gwt Jenkins job, so in case of committing a change in the oVirt code that breaks mvn compilation that includes the "gwt-user-gwtp" profile, a relevant notification from Jenkins will be sent to the relevant recipients (just like notifications regarding breaking oVirt compilation with the other two gwt profiles, i.e, "gwt-user" and "gwt-admin", are already being sent).

since this is time and cpu consuming - how about making the default 
build compile only the firefox permutation, and make others optional via 
a profile?

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