[Engine-devel] Building oVirt from source

Stephen Liu satimis at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 14 11:09:05 UTC 2012

Hi all,

$ sudo find / -name .m2
find: `/run/user/satimis/gvfs': Permission denied

$ sudo ls -ald /home/satimis/.m2
drwxrwxr-x. 3 satimis satimis 4096 Nov 14 14:12 /home/satimis/.m2

$ cat $HOME/.m2/settings.xml
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";

<!--**************************** PROFILES ****************************-->



This file is on /home/satimis/.m2/

$ locate settings.xml

There are 2 settings.xml files

I attend the later file on /usr/share/maven/conf/settings.xml to this email

Stephen L

> From: Juan Hernandez <jhernand at redhat.com>
>To: Stephen Liu <satimis at yahoo.com> 
>Cc: "engine-devel at ovirt.org" <engine-devel at ovirt.org> 
>Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:36 PM
>Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Building oVirt from source
>On 11/14/2012 11:34 AM, Stephen Liu wrote:
>> # find / -name jboss-as
>> find: `/run/user/satimis/gvfs': Permission denied
>> /home/satimis/jboss-as
>> jbozz-as is NOT on /usr/share/jboss-as
>Then you need to fix your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml file, the jbossHome
>property must contain the directory where you have installed the
>application server.
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     *From:* Juan Hernandez <jhernand at redhat.com>
>>     *To:* Stephen Liu <satimis at yahoo.com>
>>     *Cc:* "engine-devel at ovirt.org" <engine-devel at ovirt.org>
>>     *Sent:* Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:23 PM
>>     *Subject:* Re: [Engine-devel] Building oVirt from source
>>     On 11/14/2012 11:10 AM, Stephen Liu wrote:
>>     >
>>     > Hi Juan,
>>     >
>>     > I have sent another email to the list under the subject: "Deploy error
>>     > again".  But it never came to the list.  Is the server in problem?
>>     >
>>     > Subject : Deploy error again
>>     I think you are having problems with the permissions in the
>>     /usr/share/jboss-as directory. Make sure that you have the following
>>     content in your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml file:
>>     <settings
>>       xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
>>       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>>       xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0
>>    http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd";>
>>       <activeProfiles>
>>         <activeProfile>oVirtEnvSettings</activeProfile>
>>       </activeProfiles>
>>       <profiles>
>>         <profile>
>>           <id>oVirtEnvSettings</id>
>>           <properties>
>>             <jbossHome>/home/satimis/jboss-as</jbossHome>
>>           </properties>
>>         </profile>
>>       </profiles>
>>     </settings>
>>     Pay special attention to the "jbossHome" property, it should be the
>>     directory where you have the application server installed, and you need
>>     to have permissions to write to it. Currently you are using
>>     /usr/share/jboss-as, and I guess you don't have permissions to write
>>     there. Install the application server to /home/staimis/jboss-as and use
>>     that instead.
>>     -- 
>>     Dirección Comercial: C/Jose Bardasano Baos, 9, Edif. Gorbea 3, planta
>>     3ºD, 28016 Madrid, Spain
>>     Inscrita en el Reg. Mercantil de Madrid – C.I.F. B82657941 - Red Hat
>>     S.L.
>Dirección Comercial: C/Jose Bardasano Baos, 9, Edif. Gorbea 3, planta
>3ºD, 28016 Madrid, Spain
>Inscrita en el Reg. Mercantil de Madrid – C.I.F. B82657941 - Red Hat S.L.
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