[Engine-devel] Cluster default with empty processor name with PPC64 support

Leonardo Bianconi leonardo.bianconi at eldorado.org.br
Fri Aug 30 19:51:28 UTC 2013

Hi everyone!

During the development of PPC64 support in the engine, we faced some UX issues regarding the default Cluster (that Cluster with empty processor name).

Currently, oVirt engine allows the default Cluster to contain empty processor name, and the administrator can add VMs and/or Templates to it. The processor name can be assigned later, editing the cluster or assigning a valid host to it.

During the implementation of PPC64 support on the engine, the field "architecture" was added to Clusters, VMs and Templates entities.

So we have the following questions regarding how the UI should behave:

- Shall we keep allowing the administrator to assign VMs and Templates to the Cluster with no processor name or assigned architecture ?
             -> If we have an "yes" for the question above:
             -- We will have to assign the architecture to the Cluster based on the OS of the first assigned VM, and  the processor name could be defined the same way as currently ... editing the Cluster or assigning a compatible Host to it.
                             -- The VM creation popup will have to be able to indicate the architecture of each OS ... some OSes have the same name, and it may get ambiguous since the Cluster architecture is still undefined at that point (before the first VM get already created).

Leonardo Bianconi
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