[Engine-devel] Problem in ovirt-reports sso

ly pan plysab at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 03:23:32 UTC 2013

Hello, I have a reports problem which has got me for many days now.
The reports sso feature is not functioning in my invironment.
I followed the steps from the wiki page:
and the patch related to sso:

here is my steps:
1. install jasperreports 4.7.0 using the bundled tomcat and the existing DB
2. modify the db password in ovirt.xml
3. import the reports using js-import.sh
4. add the EngineSimplePreAuthFilter in applicationContext-security-web.xml
5. add Reports.xml to the wenadmin folder and change
RedirectServletReportsPage in db
6. generate a keystore using keytool and update
EngineSimplePreAuthFilter in applicationContext-security-web.xml
7. install the ovirt-dwh rpm package made from source and run
8. start the ovirt-engine service and the tomcat

And all the projects, ovirt-dwh, ovirt-reports, ovirt-engine, is build
from the latest source.

When I browse to the dashboard in webadmin portal,it just shows a
jasper login page,
so the sso is not functioning, right?
I can login and browse jasper reports in a browser page normally.
So I try to login in dashboard using reports user, tomcat gives me a Exception:

"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An id is required to lookup a

What might be the problem? Am I missing anything?
Any help would be appriciated, thanks.

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