[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH v2] issue #504: Add details on how to install test dependencies

Crístian Viana vianac at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Dec 8 16:04:17 UTC 2014

The package dependencies listed in docs/README.md are only required for
building, installing and running Kimchi. If the user wants to run the
tests, they need to install some extra packages which are not listed in
that file.

Update the file docs/README.md by adding the dependencies required for

Fix issue #504 ("check pyflakes installation").

Signed-off-by: Crístian Viana <vianac at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 docs/README.md | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index ed3d489..823c856 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ Install Dependencies
                         python-ipaddr python-ldap python-lxml nfs-utils \
                         iscsi-initiator-utils libxslt pyparted nginx \
                         policycoreutils-python python-libguestfs \
-                        libguestfs-tools python-requests python-websockify \
-                        novnc
+                        libguestfs-tools python-websockify novnc
      # If using RHEL6 or Fedora, install the following additional package:
      $ sudo yum install spice-html5
@@ -69,6 +68,9 @@ Install Dependencies
     Packages version requirement:
         python-psutil >= 0.6.0
+    # These dependencies are only required if you want to run the tests:
+    $ sudo yum install pyflakes python-pep8 python-requests
 *Note for RHEL users*: Some of the above packages are located in the Red Hat
 EPEL repositories.  See
 [this FAQ](http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL#How_can_I_use_these_extra_packages.3F)
@@ -88,12 +90,15 @@ channel at RHN Classic or Red Hat Satellite.
                            python-lxml nfs-common open-iscsi lvm2 xsltproc \
                            python-parted nginx \
                            firewalld python-guestfs libguestfs-tools \
-                           python-requests websockify novnc spice-html5
+                           websockify novnc spice-html5
     Packages version requirement:
         python-jsonschema >= 1.3.0
         python-psutil >= 0.6.0
+    # These dependencies are only required if you want to run the tests:
+    $ sudo apt-get install pep8 pyflakes python-requests
 **For openSUSE:**
     $ sudo zypper install gcc make autoconf automake gettext-tools git \
@@ -103,13 +108,15 @@ channel at RHN Classic or Red Hat Satellite.
                           rpm-build kvm python-psutil python-ethtool \
                           python-ipaddr python-ldap python-lxml nfs-client \
                           open-iscsi libxslt-tools python-xml \
-                          python-parted nginx \
-                          python-libguestfs guestfs-tools python-requests \
-                          python-websockify novnc
+                          python-parted nginx python-libguestfs \
+                          guestfs-tools python-websockify novnc
     Packages version requirement:
         python-psutil >= 0.6.0
+    # These dependencies are only required if you want to run the tests:
+    $ sudo zypper install python-pyflakes python-pep8 python-requests
 *Note for openSUSE users*: Some of the above packages are located in different
 openSUSE repositories. See
 [this FAQ](http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:GRNET:synnefo/) for
@@ -135,6 +142,16 @@ Run
     $ sudo kimchid --host=
+    $ make check-local # check for i18n and formatting errors
+    $ sudo make check
+After all tests are executed, a summary will be displayed containing any
+errors/failures which might have occurred.

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