[Kimchi-devel] [Kimchi] Add support for websockify 0.7

Ramon Medeiros ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Jan 20 12:24:37 UTC 2016

The lastest update of websockify changes how the class instantiate

Signed-off-by: Ramon Medeiros <ramonn at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 vnc.py | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vnc.py b/vnc.py
index 1a2e59d..00069d5 100644
--- a/vnc.py
+++ b/vnc.py
@@ -21,12 +21,20 @@
 import base64
 import errno
 import os
 from multiprocessing import Process
 from websockify import WebSocketProxy
 from wok.config import config, paths, PluginPaths
+websockifyOld = False
+    from websockify.token_plugins import TokenFile
+except ImportError:
+    websockifyOld = True   
 WS_TOKENS_DIR = os.path.join(PluginPaths('kimchi').state_dir, 'vnc-tokens')
@@ -43,10 +51,21 @@ def new_ws_proxy():
         cert = '%s/wok-cert.pem' % paths.conf_dir
         key = '%s/wok-key.pem' % paths.conf_dir
-    params = {'web': os.path.join(paths.ui_dir, 'pages/websockify'),
-              'listen_port': config.get('display', 'display_proxy_port'),
-              'target_cfg': WS_TOKENS_DIR,
-              'key': key, 'cert': cert, 'ssl_only': True}
+    # old websockify: do not use TokenFile
+    if websockifyOld:
+        params = {'web': os.path.join(paths.ui_dir, 'pages/websockify'),
+                  'listen_port': config.get('display', 'display_proxy_port'),
+                  'target_cfg': WS_TOKENS_DIR,
+                  'key': key, 'cert': cert, 'ssl_only': True}
+    # websockify 0.7 and higher: use TokenFile
+    else: 
+        token_plugin = TokenFile(src=WS_TOKENS_DIR)
+        params = {'web': os.path.join(paths.ui_dir, 'pages/websockify'),
+                  'listen_port': config.get('display', 'display_proxy_port'),
+                  'token_plugin': token_plugin,
+                  'key': key, 'cert': cert, 'ssl_only': True}
     def start_proxy():
         server = WebSocketProxy(**params)

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