[Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] [Wok 4/7] Log AsyncTask success or failure

Lucio Correia luciojhc at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Sep 1 20:24:41 UTC 2016

On 01-09-2016 13:21, Aline Manera wrote:
> On 09/01/2016 01:08 PM, Lucio Correia wrote:
>> On 01-09-2016 10:45, Aline Manera wrote:
>>> On 08/31/2016 06:06 PM, Lucio Correia wrote:
>>>> * Add plugin and log_id attributes to AsyncTask
>>>> * Create _log() function to log AsyncTask exit status
>>>> * Create auxiliary method to save log entry ID for a task
>>>> * Handle WokException separately in order to add it in
>>>> translatable form to user log
>>>> Signed-off-by: Lucio Correia <luciojhc at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>   src/wok/asynctask.py | 46
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
>>>>   src/wok/i18n.py      |  2 ++
>>>>   2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/src/wok/asynctask.py b/src/wok/asynctask.py
>>>> index 021b76c..633c96f 100644
>>>> --- a/src/wok/asynctask.py
>>>> +++ b/src/wok/asynctask.py
>>>> @@ -25,10 +25,13 @@ import time
>>>>   import traceback
>>>>   import uuid
>>>> -
>>>> -from wok.exception import InvalidOperation, OperationFailed
>>>> +from wok.exception import InvalidOperation, OperationFailed,
>>>> WokException
>>>> +from wok.reqlogger import RequestRecord, ASYNCTASK_REQUEST_METHOD
>>>> +from wok.utils import get_plugin_from_uri
>>>>   tasks_queue = {}
>>>> @@ -43,27 +46,54 @@ def clean_old_tasks():
>>>>                   task.remove()
>>>> +def save_request_log_id(log_id, task_id):
>>>> +    tasks_queue[task_id].log_id = log_id
>>>> +
>>>> +
>>> You can use "tasks_queue[task_id].log_id = log_id " directly in the
>>> code.
>>> You are replacing one line code by one function. I don't see much gain
>>> on it specially while reviewing the code where you can grab the function
>>> to simply to understand it.
>> Yes I could. But I did prefer to create this function due to code
>> maintenance. This is the module that knows how to deal with tasks, so
>> if that changes (we just did that moving tasks from objstore to
>> memory), we change only code here and not through all the code.
> Ok. I got your point.
>> It's also good to avoid another module to access a control structure
>> like tasks_queue directly and do some bad stuff.
> tasks_queue is a global variable =)
>>>>   class AsyncTask(object):
>>>>       def __init__(self, target_uri, fn, opaque=None, kill_cb=None):
>>>> +        # task info
>>>>           self.id = str(uuid.uuid1())
>>>>           self.target_uri = target_uri
>>>>           self.fn = fn
>>>>           self.kill_cb = kill_cb
>>>> +        self.log_id = None
>>>> +        self.plugin = get_plugin_from_uri(target_uri)
>>> The target_uri may be anything!
>>> Usually on Kimchi, we have a pattern to be the the plugin base URI +
>>> resource URI but it may be not true to every plugin.
>>> I suggest to get that info from cherrypy
>> I see. I will try to use cherrypy, but I'm not sure it will work due
>> to my past work with user logs and requests.

It does not work, any other idea? In worst case I keep it based on 
target_uri for now and add a TODO note to fix it later?

ERROR: test_async_tasks (test_tasks.AsyncTaskTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "test_tasks.py", line 61, in test_async_tasks
     taskid = AsyncTask('', self._quick_op, 'Hello').id
   File "/home/dev/wok/src/wok/asynctask.py", line 61, in __init__
     self.plugin = cherrypy.request.app.root.domain
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'root'

>>>> +        self.timestamp = time.time()
>>>> +
>>>> +        # task context
>>>>           self.status = 'running'
>>>>           self.message = 'The request is being processing.'
>>>> -        self.timestamp = time.time()
>>>>           self._cp_request = cherrypy.serving.request
>>>>           self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run_helper,
>>>>                                          args=(opaque,
>>>> self._status_cb))
>>>>           self.thread.setDaemon(True)
>>>>           self.thread.start()
>>>> +
>>>>           # let's prevent memory leak in tasks_queue
>>>>           clean_old_tasks()
>>>>           tasks_queue[self.id] = self
>>>> -    def _status_cb(self, message, success=None):
>>>> +    def _log(self, code, status, exception=None):
>>>> +        RequestRecord(
>>>> +            {'code': code, 'params': {'target_uri': self.target_uri}},
>>>> +            exception,
>>>> +            self.log_id,
>>>> +            app=self.plugin,
>>>> +            req=ASYNCTASK_REQUEST_METHOD,
>>>> +            status=status,
>>>> +            user='',
>>>> +            ip='',
>>>> +        ).log()
>>>> +
>>> Isn't this function the same you created on Patch 1? Can't you reuse the
>>> other one?
>> Yes, now that that function is in control/utils.py I believe I can use
>> it here.
>>>> +    def _status_cb(self, message, success=None, exception=None):
>>>>           if success is not None:
>>>> -            self.status = 'finished' if success else 'failed'
>>>> +            if success:
>>>> +                self._log(MSG_SUCCESS, 200)
>>>> +                self.status = 'finished'
>>>> +            else:
>>>> +                self._log(MSG_FAILED, 400, exception)
>>>> +                self.status = 'failed'
>>>>           if message.strip():
>>>>               self.message = message
>>>> @@ -72,10 +102,14 @@ class AsyncTask(object):
>>>>           cherrypy.serving.request = self._cp_request
>>>>           try:
>>>>               self.fn(cb, opaque)
>>>> +        except WokException, e:
>>>> +            cherrypy.log.error_log.error("Error in async_task %s " %
>>>> self.id)
>>>> + cherrypy.log.error_log.error(traceback.format_exc())
>>>> +            cb(e.message, success=False, exception=e)
>>>>           except Exception, e:
>>>>               cherrypy.log.error_log.error("Error in async_task %s " %
>>>> self.id)
>>>> cherrypy.log.error_log.error(traceback.format_exc())
>>>> -            cb(e.message, False)
>>>> +            cb(e.message, success=False)
>>>>       def remove(self):
>>>>           try:
>>>> diff --git a/src/wok/i18n.py b/src/wok/i18n.py
>>>> index 7ba7c24..4893be7 100644
>>>> --- a/src/wok/i18n.py
>>>> +++ b/src/wok/i18n.py
>>>> @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ messages = {
>>>>       "WOKPROXY0001E": _("Unable to (re)start system's nginx.service.
>>>> Details: '%(error)s'"),
>>>>       # These messages (ending with L) are for user log purposes
>>>> +    "WOKASYNC0001L": _("Successfully completed task
>>>> '%(target_uri)s'"),
>>>> +    "WOKASYNC0002L": _("Failed to complete task '%(target_uri)s'"),
>>>>       "WOKCOL0001L": _("Request made on collection"),
>>>>       "WOKRES0001L": _("Request made on resource"),
>>>>       "WOKROOT0001L": _("User '%(username)s' login"),

Lucio Correia
Software Engineer
IBM LTC Brazil

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