new oVirt website

Karsten Wade kwade at
Wed Sep 14 11:13:03 UTC 2011

There is a new oVirt project website in staging, and kept private for
username: ovirtstaging
password: 1zGn48XEZPHFe

For the content discussed here and from the Google Doc, the new
canonical location for that is the website.

Here is the work still to be done:

* The header graphic needs an update that is relevant to oVirt. It
  should be 990x180 pixels. Do you have any designers available to
  help with this? (Resulting work under ASL 2.0.)

  - Maybe we need a new logo?

* The subproject matrix needs fixing - information, content updates,
  and making it prettier/clearer. If anyone has CSS expertise, we can
  probably make a quick fix to the site CSS for that.

* Figure out final hosting arrangements, which can be discussed
  with the infrastructure team

* Creation of remaining mailing lists.

* Finish of MediaWiki installation, configuration, and initial
  population of wiki content - how to write pages, how to use for
  subprojects, etc.

* Write up some procedures for how to manage content, add News/Events
  items, and so forth to the main website.

As you look over the site, keep these things in mind:

* We'll start using @ovirt soon, it's a blank feed until then.
* RSS feed for "News" on the right may break due to site
* Some mailing lists are not live yet.
* If you see a problem, bug, content missing or needing improving,
  etc. - bring that discussion here, but you can also take a new user
  account and help us fix it directly, just ask.

Thanks - Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:   Red Hat Community Architecture & Leadership
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