[Users] Auto-start vms on boot?
Adrian Gibanel
adrian.gibanel at btactic.com
Thu Dec 6 20:34:32 UTC 2012
It would seem that oVirt does not provide an standard way of forcing boot of virtual machines at boot.
Pools can have pre-started vms as stated here: https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.1/html/Administration_Guide/Prestarting_Virtual_Machines_in_a_Pool.html but pools imply state-less virtual machines and I am talking more about normal virtual machines.
I've found this script:
which could do to the trick if run at host boot.
I've also thought (but not tried) to mark a virtual machine as "Highly Available" even if I have only one host (I mean, usually HA only makes sense when you have two hosts).
Marking a VM as H.A. would do the trick?
Any special reason why there isn't and standard way of marking which vms should be auto-started at boot?
Just wanted to hear your thoughts before filling an RFE.
Thank you.
Adrián Gibanel
I.T. Manager
+34 675 683 301
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