[Engine-devel] UI Plugins: PoC patch revision 7 is here

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Fri Nov 16 15:33:23 UTC 2012

On 11/15/2012 06:11 PM, Vojtech Szocs wrote:
> Hi guys,
> the latest revision of UI Plugins proof-of-concept patch is now
> available for you to experiment with. I've split revision 7 changes
> apart from revision 6 to make it easier to review new features that were
> added into revision 7.
> You can download and apply UI Plugins patches from oVirt Gerrit code
> review system:
>  1. revision 6 - http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/8120/
>  2. revision 7 - http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/9250/
> Please read on to learn what's new in this revision. If you have any
> comments, questions or ideas, please let me know!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Engine REST API integration*
> /UiInit/ is not the only event handler function anymore! :)
> UI plugin infrastructure now integrates with Engine REST API by
> acquiring new REST API session [1] upon successful user authentication.
> REST API session ID is provided to plugins via RestApiSessionAcquired
> event handler function. For example:
> api.register({
>    RestApiSessionAcquired: function(sessionId) {
>      // Do something with newly acquired session ID
>    }
> });
> Note that UiInit function is still the first function to be invoked on
> the given plugin. Plugins can therefore expect RestApiSessionAcquired
> function to be called shortly after UiInit function.
> For now, UI plugin infrastructure guarantees that acquired Engine REST
> API session will be valid while the user stays authenticated in
> WebAdmin. This is done by keeping REST API session alive via periodic
> heartbeats (HTTP requests) in the background. This also means that it's
> safe to store and use REST API session ID until RestApiSessionAcquired
> function is called again with new value. In future, we might consider
> dropping this kind of guarantee to avoid the keep-alive heartbeat, and
> use some kind of "is session valid" query to determine if the REST API
> session is still valid.
> After the user signs out of WebAdmin, Engine REST API session will be
> closed, as per [1]. After signing in again, the process of acquiring new
> REST API session and calling RestApiSessionAcquired function repeats
> with new session ID value.
> Engine REST API integration also works seamlessly with auto login - if
> the user is already logged in on the backend, running WebAdmin in new
> window (tab) will take him directly to the main (authenticated) section
> of the application. In this case, UI plugin infrastructure remembers the
> currently valid REST API session ID using HTML5 local storage (or cookie
> if the browser doesn't support it).
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> New API function: showDialog
> It's now possible to open custom dialogs using showDialog function. For
> example:
> api.register({
>    UiInit: function() {
>      api.addMainTabActionButton('Host', 'Show Test Dialog', {
>        onClick: function() {
>          api.showDialog('Test Dialog', 'http://www.ovirt.org/', 600, 400);
>        }
>      });
>    }
> });
> The signature of showDialog function is following:
> showDialog(title, contentUrl, width, height)
> For now, dialogs are shown using window.open API (non-modal browser
> popups). This will be changed in future, providing close integration
> with GWTP / WebAdmin dialog infrastructure.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> New API function: setMainTabContentUrl
> It's now possible to update content URL of the given custom main tab
> using setMainTabContentUrl function. For example:
> api.register({
>    UiInit: function() {
>      // Use 'about:blank' URL to display empty content
>      api.addMainTab('Custom Tab', 'custom-tab', 'about:blank');
>    },
>    RestApiSessionAcquired: function(sessionId) {
>      var url = 'http://www.ovirt.org/?s=' + encodeURIComponent(sessionId);
>      api.setMainTabContentUrl('custom-tab', url);
>    }
> });
> In the above example, we first add an empty custom main tab. We do this
> in UiInit event handler function because we know that it's the best
> place for one-time UI initialization :) As soon as we receive REST API
> session ID, we update the URL of the custom main tab. This is just an
> example how REST API session ID can be sent over to your server as part
> of main tab content URL.
> The signature of setMainTabContentUrl function is following:
> setMainTabContentUrl(historyToken, contentUrl)
> Note that historyToken essentially identifies the custom main tab.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> That's it for now, let me know what you think!
> Regards,
> Vojtech
> [1] http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/Features/RESTSessionManagement
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> Engine-devel mailing list
> Engine-devel at ovirt.org
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is there a clear list of all APIs supported now?

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