[Engine-devel] about ovirt-shell

wlbleaboy@126 wlbleaboy at 126.com
Wed May 22 06:59:24 UTC 2013

Hi all:

         When I connect to ovirt-engine use ovirt-shell like this: It's
failed, I don't know why.

The ovirt-engine is build and deployed by myself and base ovirt-engine 3.2


         But when I connect to the ovirt-engine use rmp installed,
ovirt-shell work well.





           Welcome to oVirt shell





[oVirt shell (disconnected)]# connect --url --user
admin at internal --password 111111



error: [ERROR]::No response returned from server. If you're using HTTP

against a SSL secured server, then try using HTTPS instead.



[oVirt shell (disconnected)]#



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