[Engine-devel] [oVirt/RHEV 3.4 Localization Question #1] Strings with resource ID "ActionGroup___"

Einav Cohen ecohen at redhat.com
Thu Feb 13 18:28:28 UTC 2014

Hi Yuko,

ActionGroups refer to the items displayed in the tree within the 'New/Edit 
Role' dialog, available from 'Configure' -> 'Roles' -> 'New'/'Edit' (see 
AFAIK, these texts are NOT expected to be applied in messages such as "Cannot 
${action} ${type}" (i.e. as value for the '${action}' placeholder or anything 



----- Original Message -----
> From: "Yuko Katabami" <ykatabam at redhat.com>
> To: engine-devel at ovirt.org
> Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 7:08:15 PM
> Subject: [Engine-devel] [oVirt/RHEV 3.4 Localization Question #1] Strings with resource ID "ActionGroup___"
> (sorry I got wrong number in my last email title. re-sending the same
> question.)
> Hello all,
> I am a Brisbane-based translator working on oVirt 3.4 localization project
> along with 5 other translators.
> Our localization cycle is just kicked off and I would like to post our
> questions here, just like I did for 3.3.
> It would be appreciated if you could help us.
> Here is our first question.
> File: LocalizedEnums
> Resource ID: starting with "ActionGroup___"
> Strings: including
> Assign vNIC Profile to Template
> Assign vNIC Profile to VM
> Assign vNIC Profile to VM
> Access Image Storage Domains
> Question: In this file, there are number of strings with the resource ID
> starting with "ActionGroup___".
> Could you please let me know the usage?
> Are these actions used to replace variable in strings such as "Cannot
> ${action} ${type}"?
> Or is it more like action buttons?
> Translation may vary depending on the usage/context and it would be helpful
> if you could give us some extra information.
> Kind regards,
> Yuko
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