changing default timeout
by Peter Savage -T (pesavage - APEX SYSTEMS INC@Cisco)
Kimchi times out pretty quickly - requiring me to login again. Is there a place to change this timeout value?
9 years
wok-2.0.0-0.noarch.deb / Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS / exit code 127
by Alexander Tomisch
I tried to install wok-2.0.0-0.noarch.deb on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS but dpkg
fails because of the exit error 127 in the postinst script.
It seems that "type /bin/systemctl" exits with this error, because this
file is missing (Ubuntu 14.04 is not using systemd).
I changed the script like this:
#systemd_exists=$(type /bin/systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)
#if test $systemd_exists = "0"; then
if [ -e /bin/systemctl ]; then
/bin/systemctl enable wokd > /dev/null 2>&1
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload > /dev/null 2>&1
/bin/systemctl start wokd > /dev/null 2>&1
... and it worked for me.
Kind regards,
9 years
Hint: wokd vs. German locale / NotFoundError: GGBCPUINF0006E
by Alexander Tomisch
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS with German locale and had a problem
starting wokd:
wok.exception.NotFoundError: GGBCPUINF0006E: GGBCPUINF0006E
This is because the output of lscpu in is filtered for "Core(s)
per socket" but with the German locale set the output is "Kern(e) pro
So I started wokd with LC_ALL=C and it works.
(There is no init script to start wokd - only systemd - so I had to
start it manually)
export LC_ALL=C && wokd --environment=/etc/wok/wok.conf
Just as hint for other users with changed locale.
Kind regards,
9 years
Thanks & Kimchi proper documentation/wiki
by Bertrand Caplet
Hey there,
first of all I want to thank everyone who helped this project to get at
this point.
I really love Kimchi, it's easy to use and well thought.
The only complaint I can make is the lack of documentation.
What do you guys think about creating a documentation site or a wiki for
Kimchi ?
I'm willing to host it if you want. Just say what you think about this
idea, I'm really open.
Have a good day,
CHUNKZ.NET - script kiddie and computer technician
Bertrand Caplet, Flers (FR)
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9 years