import/export of virtual machines
by Schnieders, Siegfried
Dear kimchi team,
searching for a web based solution to manage KVM virtual machines I found KIMCHI/WOK. It installed fine on my system (Debian 10), first tests are promising. Now I am looking for the feature "import/export a VM". The idea ist o use 3rd party appliances on my server.
Is such a feature planned for KIMCHI?
Or do you have hints for best practices?
Copying the qcow2-Image via scp to our server and generate a new VM that uses this image worked. But you need an additional scp client on the managing some technical understanding.
Best regards
Siegfried Schnieders.
Dipl.-Math. Siegfried Schnieders
Project Manager Systemengineering
ATM ComputerSysteme GmbH
Max-Stromeyer-Straße 116
78467 Konstanz
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