Wok 3.0 and Kimchi 3.0 are now released!
by aline.maneraï¼ gmail.com
It's been a while since the last Wok and Kimchi release but, on behalf of
everyone who has worked hard on this release, I am pleased to announce the
availability of *Wok 3.0* and *Kimchi 3.0*! 🎉 These releases mostly
include bug fixes and transition to Python3. We have worked hard to ensure
that Wok and Kimchi run well on the most popular Linux distributions
including: Fedora 31, Ubuntu 19.10, Debian 10 and openSUSE LEAP 15.1. They
use standard Linux interfaces so it should run well on many other
distributions too.
Go ahead! Give it a try and let us know what you think!
Aline Manera
5Â years, 1Â month