On 09/25/2014 11:43 AM, CrÃstian Viana wrote:
On 24-09-2014 23:08, Aline Manera wrote:
> + # Verify if the URL is valid
> + if create_param == 'url':
> + url = params['url']
> + try:
> + urllib2.urlopen(url)
We should validate the specific parameters for the 'url' case inside
the function '_create_volume_with_url', just like we check if the
upload file exists before reading it inside the function
I have done it in my first implementation but it does not work well on
UI perspective.
Let me explain.
If we do this verification on _create_volume_with_url means the POST
/storagepools/<pool>/storagevolumes will return 202 (success)
On UI side, the "Add volume" dialog will be closed and a new "volume"
displayed in the pool indicating it is being downloaded.
But as far as the new volume is added, it appears as "Failed" as the
Task finished with a failed status as the URL is not valid.
Doing the verification prior to start the Task means POST
/storagepools/<pool>/storagevolumes will return 500 (failed)
On UI side, the "Add volume" dialog will keep open, so user can modify
the URL and only see a "in progress volume" when it is really in progress.
Actually, I think the best way to fix this problem is by enlarging the
try/except block to include the existing urllib2.urlopen call. We
don't need to make two requests. That call will raise the same
exception there. The problem now is that it's not included inside the
try/except block, hence the "Unexpected exception".
But if we do keep this approach, you still need to close the return
variable of "urllib2.urlopen".
Good point. I will do that on V2.