The backend for this feature is almost completed and the API is defined,
so let's
talk about the UI.
This is the API (note: the upstream version is outdated, will be updated
in an
incoming patch):
**URI:** /plugins/kimchi/vms/*:name*
* **POST**: *See Virtual Machine Actions*
**Actions (POST):**
* migrate: Migrate a virtual machine to a remote server, only support live
mode without block migration.
* remote_host: IP address or hostname of the remote server.
* user *(optional)*: User to log on at the remote server.
* password *(optional)*: password of the user in the remote server
This API will return a task ID for the UI to track its progress, pretty much
like it is done with the 'clone' feature.
This is how I imagine the UI:
- a button called "migrate" at the same submenu as clone VM.
- when pressed, a new window appears with the following content:
"Disclaimer: this process cannot be stopped after started, can take a
long time
to complete and will turn off this current VM when it is over."
* textfield to input the remote_server, name "remote server"
* checkbox with text: "Delete this VM when the migration is completed"
Text: "The following fields are optional. Fill them if you want Kimchi to
setup a password-less ssh session between the localhost and the
remote host. The setup process will only be successful if the user
has 'SUDO ALL' permission in the remote machine"
* textfield to input the username of the remote host
* password field to input the password of the user in the remote host
* "Cancel" and "Start" buttons at the bottom
This is the workflow/behavior I would expect of it:
- clicking "Cancel" at any time will dismiss the window and nothing happens;
- clicking "Start" without remote_host field will issue an error "remote
host field
cannot be blank" or something like that
- clicking "Start" with a remote host field will start the process
- clicking "Start" with remote host and only one of the user or password
will raise an error "both user and password fields must be filled".
- if, **and only if **, the user checks the checkbox "Delete VM ....",
the UI will
delete the VM after the migration process is completed by using the
proper API
(I believe it is DELETE /vms/name).
This is all I have for the UI for this feature ATM. I'll update this RFC
if required.
Please provide comments and suggestions. The final backend for this feature
will be submitted to the ML at the start of the next week.
Let me know if there's any doubts about how Kimchi's live migration backend