Hello Aline,
Please find my comment inline. Once I will get confirmation about the
method separation mention in my previous mail [PATCH 1/2]. I will send
you the next version patch.
On 11/3/2015 10:49 PM, Aline Manera wrote:
The same I commented regarding the commit message.
On 02/11/2015 10:03, mesmriti(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com wrote:
> From: Megha Smriti <mesmriti(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
> ---
> src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py | 2 +
> src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py | 80
> +++++++++++++++++++++---
> 2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
> b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
> index 01573b0..e19b997 100644
> --- a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
> +++ b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/i18n.py
> @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ messages = {
> "GGBDR0007E": _("Debug report name must be a string. Only
> letters, digits, underscore ('_') and "
> "hyphen ('-') are allowed."),
> "GGBDR0008E": _("The debug report with specified name
> \"%(name)s\" already exists. Please use another one."),
> + "GGBDR0009E": _("Unable to create dbginfo report with
> %(retcode)s. Details: %(err)s"),
> + "GGBDR0010E": _("Unable to tar the final debug report tar file
> with %(retcode)s. Details: %(error)s"),
"Unable to compress the final debug report data due error %(retcode)s.
Details: %(error)s"
Will take care of this in next patch version.
> "GGBHOST0001E": _("Unable to shutdown host machine as there are
> running virtual machines"),
> "GGBHOST0002E": _("Unable to reboot host machine as there are
> running virtual machines"),
> "GGBHOST0005E": _("When specifying CPU topology, each element
> must be an integer greater than zero."),
> diff --git a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py
> b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py
> index 0bb36fe..719e460 100644
> --- a/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py
> +++ b/src/wok/plugins/gingerbase/model/debugreports.py
> @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import os
> import shutil
> import subprocess
> import time
> +import platform
> import re
> from wok.exception import InvalidParameter, NotFoundError,
> OperationFailed
> @@ -108,16 +109,75 @@ class DebugReportsModel(object):
> raise OperationFailed('GGBDR0004E', {'name':
> md5_report_file = sosreport_file + '.md5'
> report_file_extension = '.' + sosreport_file.split('.',
> 1)[1]
> - path = config.get_debugreports_path()
> - sosreport_target = os.path.join(path,
> - name +
> report_file_extension)
> - msg = 'Moving debug report file "%s" to
"%s"' \
> - % (sosreport_file, sosreport_target)
> - wok_log.info(msg)
> - shutil.move(sosreport_file, sosreport_target)
> - delete_the_sosreport_md5_file(md5_report_file)
> - cb('OK', True)
> - return
> + # If the platform is a system Z machine.
> + if platform.machine().startswith('s390'):
I suggest to create a new function to handle the sosreport generation
for s390x. Just to make the code easier to read.
Please let me know you input
regarding the separation of function
mention in my previous mail [PATCH 1/2].
> + dbgreport_regex =
> '(\S+\s+)(\/\w+\/\w+-[\d+]{4}-[\d+]{2}' \
> + '-[\d+]{2}-[\d+]{2}-[\d+]{2}' \
> + '-[\d+]{2}-\w+-\d+\S+)(\s+\S+)'
> + command = ['/usr/sbin/dbginfo.sh']
Is there a parameter like '--tmp-dir' from sosreport to use with
I will use that option to generate the dbginfo at config path.
What about the report name? Is it auto generated?
Yes, the name is auto generated
with format DBGINFO-*.tgz.
> + output, error, retcode = run_command(command)
> + if retcode != 0:
> + raise OperationFailed("GGBDR0009E",
> + {'retcode': retcode,
> 'err': error})
> + output = output.splitlines()
> + for line in output:
> + line = line.strip()
> + n = re.match(dbgreport_regex, line)
> + if n:
> + dbginfo_report = n.groups()[1]
> + break
> + pathis = '/var/tmp/'
> + file_extension_dbginfo = dbginfo_report.split('/',
> 2)[2]
> + target_report_file = os.path.join(pathis,
> + file_extension_dbginfo)
> + msg = 'Moving the "%s" to "%s"'\
> + % (dbginfo_report, target_report_file)
> + shutil.move(dbginfo_report, target_report_file)
So the report is generated somewhere and moved to /var/tmp. Is that
correct? Why do you need to move it to /var/tmp?
Since sosreport was getting
generated at this path and we though to
compress both together if platform is s390x.
Let me investigate if it is good idea to keep both tar separately in
config path or should be compressed into one file.
> + wok_log.info(msg)
> + final_tar_report_name = name + report_file_extension
In the code below you are creating the tar.gz file. So why are you
using an extension variable? It should correspond to the tar command
you are using below.
This was done for moving the combined (sosreport compressed
dbginfo compressed file).
> + if dbginfo_report is not None:
> + sosreport_tar = sosreport_file.split('/', 3)[3]
> + dbginfo_tar = dbginfo_report.split('/', 2)[2]
> + msg = 'Zipping the sosreport and debug info
> files into ' \
> + 'final report file'
> + wok_log.info(msg)
> + command = ['tar', '-cvzf', '%s' %
> final_tar_report_name,
> + '-C', '/var/tmp/', dbginfo_tar,
> sosreport_tar]
Are you mixing sosreport with dbginfo? Is sosreport still present in
s390x systems? Is the debug report a collection of sosreport + dbginfo?
Yes, I will
investigate if it is good idea to keep both the report
separately or compressed together.
Sorry, I am newbie with s390x tools, so it'd be good if you explain
what you are going to do here.
That is fine. I will add comments in my next patch
explaining what it is
> + output, error, retcode = run_command(command)
> + if retcode != 0:
> + raise OperationFailed("GGBDR0010E",
> + {'retcode': retcode,
> + 'error': error})
> + path = config.get_debugreports_path()
> + dbg_target = os.path.join(path,
> + name +
> report_file_extension)
> + # Moving report
> + msg = 'Moving final debug report file "%s" to
> "%s"' % \
> + (final_tar_report_name, dbg_target)
> + wok_log.info(msg)
> + shutil.move(final_tar_report_name, dbg_target)
> + delete_the_sosreport_md5_file(md5_report_file)
> + msg = 'Deleting the dbginfo file "%s" ' \
> + % target_report_file
> + wok_log.info(msg)
> + os.remove(target_report_file)
> + msg = 'Deleting the sosreport file "%s" ' %
> sosreport_file
> + wok_log.info(msg)
> + os.remove(sosreport_file)
> + wok_log.info('The debug report file has been
> moved')
> + cb('OK', True)
> + return
> + else:
> + path = config.get_debugreports_path()
> + sosreport_target = os.path.join(path,
> + name +
> report_file_extension)
> + msg = 'Moving debug report file "%s" to
"%s"' \
> + % (sosreport_file, sosreport_target)
> + wok_log.info(msg)
> + shutil.move(sosreport_file, sosreport_target)
> + delete_the_sosreport_md5_file(md5_report_file)
> + cb('OK', True)
> + return
> except WokException as e:
> log_error(e)