We can filter only clean/empty partitions, how is happening while
creating a logical storage poll, so, the user is obligated to clean the
partition by itself.
On 01/31/2014 11:42 AM, Daniel H Barboza wrote:
I am almost delivering a first version of this feature but now I am
having doubts in how it might work or not.
My implementation would use vgextend and add a disk to an existing LVM
pool. The question is that, in this process, all existing data in the
added partition will be deleted. Is this ok? We can warn the user
about it, of course. But I am not sure if this is the intended design.
I've spoken with Aline a while ago and she agreed that the
implementation would function similar to what we have today when
creating a new LVM pool. We simply "do not care" about the potential
data loss when adding the disk to an existing pool.
Any thoughts?
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Ramon Nunes Medeiros
Software Engineer - Linux Technology Center Brazil
IBM Systems & Technology Group
Phone : +55 19 2132 7878