Hi team,
I've finished adding the new-ui to Storage main page but I'm blocked with the
"Add Device Path" dialog. I've successfully converted jQuery-UI dialog to a
Bootstrap modal + made the action button call the window and look up for the volume to
find any partition. The problem is that my server doesn't have any other storage
device left and I'm unable to run Kimchi inside a VM.
Could somebody grab the partitions json response for me? Just go to Chrome Dev Tools (Ctrl
+ Shift + I), browse to Storage Tab in Kimchi (any revision) and select Network tab in
Chrome Dev Tools, press the "Record" button and filter the XHR requests, click
on a logical Storage Pool in Kimchi and then "Extend" in the Action Button. The
panel should look like the attached image.
I think the "Extend Device Path" validation is working but If I don't get a
VM running Kimchi I won't be able to test it and I need a full listHostPartitions()
result to check if {name} is actualyl a device name and {path} is full path + device name
or just the device path.