Just migrated off a number of VMs from a U16.4 LTS host running kim.2.3.1
then did an in place upgrade using dpkg -i and apt-get -f (to get a few
rebooted and system came right up.
The only issue I have encounter is that in the Network section. I had 3
networks set up. The default and two additional (one vTap and a LAN bridge).
I wanted to remove one of them and move it to another port. In the UI,
all options are greyed out (i.e Stop, Edit, Delete).
This occurs both on FireFox and on Edge on a Windows 10 desktop
I have cleared cache etc and still have the issue.
From the command line I had no problem using virsh net-destroy NET1 and
virsh net-undefine NET1
Back on the UI, of course kimchi showed that it was gone. I then used
the kimchi UI to recreate the Network with no problem and all the normal
UI options are available for the newly recreated Network.
The remaining networks are still stuck.
I guess I go ahead and undefine and then redefine them as well, but I am
curious if anyone else ran into this issue.
William Kern