On 05/30/2014 03:44 PM, Yu Xin Huo wrote:
When there are many reports that make the grid has a scrollbar, the
temp row is always append to the end which make it invisible.
for current design, when generate a report, need to get the grid to
scroll down to the bottom to get it seen.
if all actions are disabled, then just make a bar float on top of the
gird in the middle.
if you plan to enable some action when generating the report in the
future, then just keep current design.
I think it's better to enable the buttons in the future. But for current
design, disable the buttons seems to be a nicer solution. I will think of
other ways that can enable the buttons as well as show the procedure bar
On 5/28/2014 9:45 AM, Wen Wang wrote:
> 1) Removed the dialogue window when generating a debug report.
> 2) Designed an animation bar indicate user there is a report generating
> during the generating progress.
> 3) Disable the buttons' functions in debug report area when generating a new
> report in case there might be any conflict. Meanwhile user can operate
> on other parts of Kimchi.
> 4) Enable all buttonss' functions in debug report area after generating
> progress.
> ---
> ui/css/theme-default/host.css | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++
> ui/js/src/kimchi.report_add_main.js | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
> 2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/ui/css/theme-default/host.css b/ui/css/theme-default/host.css
> index 6a1a308..c684c0a 100644
> --- a/ui/css/theme-default/host.css
> +++ b/ui/css/theme-default/host.css
> @@ -219,6 +219,28 @@
> width: 200px;
> }
> +#id-generate-bar {
> + text-align: center;
> + vertical-align: middle;
> +}
> +
> +#id-generate-panel {
> + vertical-align: middle;
> + margin: 0 auto;
> + text-align: center;
> + height: 20px;
> + width: 250px;
> + color: #fff;
> + border: 1px solid #ccc;
> + background-color: #5af;
> +}
> +
> +#id-generating {
> + font-color: #fff;
> + background: #5af url(../../images/theme-default/loading.gif) 7px
> + center no-repeat;
> + padding-left: 26px;
> +}
> /* End of Debug Report */
> /* Software Updates */
> diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.report_add_main.js
> index 8759c2b..1e5df89 100644
> --- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.report_add_main.js
> +++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.report_add_main.js
> @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
> kimchi.report_add_main = function() {
> + var reportGridID = 'available-reports-grid';
> var addReportForm = $('#form-report-add');
> var submitButton = $('#button-report-add');
> var nameTextbox = $('input[name="name"]', addReportForm);
> @@ -13,12 +14,39 @@ kimchi.report_add_main = function() {
> return false;
> }
> var formData = addReportForm.serializeObject();
> - submitButton
> - .text(i18n['KCHDR6007M'])
> - .prop('disabled', true);
> - nameTextbox.prop('disabled', true);
> + kimchi.window.close();
> + var reportGrid = null;
> + $('#' + reportGridID +
> + $('#' + reportGridID +
> + $('#' + reportGridID +
> + $('#' + reportGridID +
> +
at the beginning, there is a "reportGridID" defined, so here just use
that varialble.
ACK, I will have it fixed.
> + $('#' + reportGridID +
> + $('#' + reportGridID +
> + $('#' + reportGridID +
> + });
> + var len =
+ 1;
> +
id="temp-row-col1"><td>' + len +
> +
id="temp-row-col2"><td id="id-generate-bar";
> + var textboxValue = $('#report-name-textbox').val();
> + if (textboxValue != "") {
> + if (textboxValue.length <= 15) {
> + $('#id-generate-bar').append('<div
> + $('#id-generate-panel').append('<label
id="id-generating"><span>' + '"' + textboxValue
+'" ' + i18n['KCHDR6007M'] +
> + }
> + else {
> + $('#id-generate-bar').append('<div
> + $('#id-generate-panel').append('<label
id="id-generating"><span>' + '"' +
textboxValue.substring(0,13) +'..." ' + i18n['KCHDR6007M'] +
> + }
> + }
> + else {
> + $('#id-generate-bar').append('<div
> + $('#id-generate-panel').append('<label
id="id-generating"><span>' + i18n['KCHDR6007M'] +
> + }
Looks like here it is trying to make sure there is sufficient
horizontal space for the rRe: [Kimchi-devel] [PATCH] Issue #296
[enhance]kimchi UI should not waiting while generating reportseport name
to make it scalable for different size of real screen estate, try
text-overflow: ellipsis; where browser will handle overflow issue.
Then there is no need to check below, always '"' + textboxValue +'"
+ i18n['KCHDR6007M']
ACK, thanks for the tips.
if (textboxValue != "")
> kimchi.createReport(formData, function(result) {
> - kimchi.window.close();
> + $('#temp-row-col1').remove();
> + $('#temp-row-col2').remove();
the whole row need to be removed?
These two columns are generated for the showing
bar. It will be covered
by the new generated report. either way user will not be able to see
them. I don't know which way is better for designing it. I can keep it
if it's a better way of the whole task.
> + $('#' + reportGridID +
> kimchi.topic('kimchi/debugReportAdded').publish({
> result: result
> });
why there is no error handling?
Sorry that I didn't change the code of showing
the result. I will have
it fixed.
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