[Wok] [RFC] Issue #122: Make AsyncTask stoppable.
by Paulo Ricardo Paz Vital
This is an RFC for "Make AsyncTask stoppable" in Wok (and any other plugin). The
main idea is give to user a way to stop a Task that is still running, cleaning
all references and processes and setting the Task status to "killed".
To do this, the Task API need to be modified, by implementing the DELETE method
in Task Resource. Said that, the API will look like:
### Resource: Task
**URI:** /tasks/*:id*
A task represents an asynchronous operation that is being performed by the
* **GET**: Retrieve the full description of the Task
* id: The Task ID is used to identify this Task in the API.
* status: The current status of the Task
* running: The task is running
* finished: The task has finished successfully
* failed: The task failed
+ * killed: The task was killed by user
* message: Human-readable details about the Task status
* target_uri: Resource URI related to the Task
+* **DELETE**: Delete the Task
* **POST**: *See Task Actions*
**Actions (POST):**
*No actions defined*
Since an AsyncTask is basic a thread running in the system and this thread can
execute a pure Python method or a background command (by using run_command()
from wok.utils), the developer must pass as argument to the add_task() a method
to be executed by the DELETE operation, called here as 'kill_cb'. With this
idea, the add_task() method and also the AsyncTask constructor will be like:
def add_task(target_uri, fn, objstore, kill_cb=None, opaque=None):
class AsyncTask(object):
def __init__(self, id, target_uri, fn, objstore, kill_cb=None, opaque=None):
If none kill_cb is passed, the task will not be able to stopped and an error (or
warning) message will be raised to user if DELETE operation is executed.
Otherwise, the kill_cb method will be executed by kill() method (responsible to
execute the DELETE operation) of AsyncTask class and its status set to 'killed'.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to reply to ML.
Thanks and bestr regards,
Paulo Ricardo Paz Vital
Linux Technology Center, IBM Systems
8 years, 6 months
[PATCH v4] [Wok 0/3] Adding DataTables.net plugin and Moment.js to Wok
by sguimaraes943@gmail.com
From: Samuel Guimarães <sguimaraes943(a)gmail.com>
Some files are minified. Let me know if they were corrupted by git send-email --no-validate
This commit adds DataTables.net jQuery plugin and Moment.js library to Wok.
DataTables.net is a table plugin that supports pagination, instance search and multi-column ordering. It also has a responsive module and it is compatible with many different CSS libraries.
In this commit it is included a customization for its Bootstrap integration and a default initialization script pre-loaded with Wok styles.
Moment.js is a lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. It is required in order to filter and sort dates properly in Wok User Logs and Ginger Configuration Backup.
v2 - Added minified files that were ignored by .gitignore
v3 - Included DataTables plugins and separated files in different commits.
v4 - Fixed white-space and CSS errors
Samuel Guimarães (3):
Initial commit for Datatables.net and Moment.JS
Added Moment.JS file with locales
Added DataTables.net JS minified files
configure.ac | 3 +
ui/css/Makefile.am | 8 +-
ui/css/datatables.bootstrap.css | 255 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
ui/css/src/datatables.bootstrap.scss | 302 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
ui/js/src/wok.datatables.js | 42 +++++
ui/libs/Makefile.am | 2 +-
ui/libs/datatables/Makefile.am | 23 +++
ui/libs/datatables/css/Makefile.am | 21 +++
ui/libs/datatables/css/datatables.min.css | 24 +++
ui/libs/datatables/datatables.min.js | 273 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
ui/libs/moment/LICENSE | 22 +++
ui/libs/moment/Makefile.am | 21 +++
ui/libs/moment/moment-with-locales.min.js | 76 ++++++++
ui/pages/login.html.tmpl | 4 +
ui/pages/wok-ui.html.tmpl | 4 +
15 files changed, 1077 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 ui/css/datatables.bootstrap.css
create mode 100644 ui/css/src/datatables.bootstrap.scss
create mode 100644 ui/js/src/wok.datatables.js
create mode 100644 ui/libs/datatables/Makefile.am
create mode 100644 ui/libs/datatables/css/Makefile.am
create mode 100644 ui/libs/datatables/css/datatables.min.css
create mode 100644 ui/libs/datatables/datatables.min.js
create mode 100644 ui/libs/moment/LICENSE
create mode 100644 ui/libs/moment/Makefile.am
create mode 100644 ui/libs/moment/moment-with-locales.min.js
8 years, 8 months
[PATCH] [Kimchi] Disable ISOs with wrong permission and add mouse hover message
by peterpnns@gmail.com
From: peterpennings <peterpnns(a)gmail.com>
This patch turns impossible to select an ISO which does not have user's permission. Including so, a message and an icon to show it.
peterpennings (1):
Disable ISOs templates with wrong permission
ui/css/kimchi.css | 11 +++++++++++
ui/css/src/modules/_templates.scss | 9 +++++++++
ui/js/src/kimchi.template_add_main.js | 12 +++++++++++-
ui/pages/template-add.html.tmpl | 3 ++-
4 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
8 years, 8 months
[PATCHv2] [Kimchi] Add UI netboot support for adding templates; add loading icon when switching back to image src
by Socorro Stoppler
Add loading icon when switching back to image src radio button
per feedback from pvital
Add UI netboot support for adding templates
Signed-off-by: Socorro Stoppler <socorro(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
ui/js/src/kimchi.template_add_main.js | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
ui/pages/template-add.html.tmpl | 29 +++++++++-----
2 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.template_add_main.js b/ui/js/src/kimchi.template_add_main.js
index 948f710..28057a7 100644
--- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.template_add_main.js
+++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.template_add_main.js
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
"use strict";
+ var currentPage = 'iso-local-box';
kimchi.deepScanHandler = null;
var isos = [];
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
$('#select-all-local-iso').prop('checked', false);
$('#btn-template-local-iso-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
$('#iso-url').val(''); // 4 - Remote folder path text
$('#btn-template-file-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'inline-block'); // 1 - Folder path
$('#btn-template-local-iso-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 2 - Selected ISOs
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 3 - Netboot
$('#select-all-local-iso, #select-all-remote-iso').prop('checked', false); // False to all select-all checkboxes
$('#list-local-iso [type="checkbox"], #list-remote-iso [type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); // False to all list checkboxes
@@ -98,6 +101,7 @@ kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
$('#btn-template-file-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'inline-block');
$('#btn-template-local-iso-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 2 - Selected ISOs
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 3 - Netboot
$('#select-all-local-iso, #select-all-remote-iso').prop('checked', false); // False to all select-all checkboxes
$('#list-local-iso [type="checkbox"], #list-remote-iso [type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); // False to all list checkboxes
@@ -116,6 +120,7 @@ kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
} else {
$('#btn-template-file-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 3 - Netboot
@@ -222,12 +227,11 @@ kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
$('#btn-template-file-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 1 - Folder path
$('#btn-template-local-iso-create').removeAttr('disabled').css('display', 'inline-block'); // 2 - Selected ISOs
} else {
$('#btn-template-local-iso-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 3 - Netboot
$('#list-local-iso').on('click', '[type="checkbox"]', function() {
@@ -238,6 +242,7 @@ kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
$('#btn-template-file-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 1 - Folder path
$('#btn-template-local-iso-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'inline-block'); // 2 - Selected ISOs
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 3 - Netboot
if (checkedLength) {
@@ -250,6 +255,16 @@ kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').click(function() {
+ var data = {
+ "source_media": {"type": "netboot"}
+ };
+ addTemplate(data, function() {
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').text(i18n['KCHAPI6005M']);
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').prop('disabled', false);
+ });
+ });
$('#btn-template-local-iso-create').click(function() {
$('input', '#iso-file-box').prop('disabled', true);
@@ -299,11 +314,9 @@ kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
$('#btn-template-file-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 1 - Folder path
$('#btn-template-local-iso-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 2 - Selected ISOs
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 3 - Netboot
$('#select-all-local-iso, #select-all-remote-iso').prop('checked', false); // False to all select-all checkboxes
$('#list-local-iso [type="checkbox"], #list-remote-iso [type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); // False to all list checkboxes
@@ -340,6 +353,57 @@ kimchi.template_add_main = function() {
$('input#iso-url').parent().toggleClass('has-error', !isValid);
}, 0);
+ $('#image-src').change(function() {
+ if (this.checked) {
+ if (currentPage === 'netboot-path') {
+ kimchi.switchPage(currentPage, 'iso-local-box', 'right');
+ }
+ currentPage = 'iso-local-box';
+ $('#template-add-window .modal-body .template-pager').animate({
+ height: "635px"
+ }, 400);
+ initLocalIsoField();
+ initIsoFileField();
+ $('#loading-isos').removeClass('hidden');
+ kimchi.listIsos(function(local_isos) { //local ISOs
+ kimchi.listDistros(function(remote_isos) { //remote ISOs
+ isos = local_isos.concat(remote_isos); //all isos
+ if (isos && isos.length) {
+ showLocalIsoField(isos);
+ $('#iso-more').show();
+ } else {
+ $('#iso-search').show();
+ }
+ $('#loading-isos').fadeOut(100, function() {});
+ });
+ }, function(err) {
+ wok.message.error(err.responseJSON.reason, '#local-iso-error-container');
+ $('#loading-isos').fadeOut(300, function() {
+ $('#loading-isos').addClass('hidden');
+ });
+ });
+ setupFilters();
+ enabledRemoteIso();
+ }
+ });
+ $('#netboot-src').change(function() {
+ if (this.checked) {
+ if (currentPage === 'iso-local-box') {
+ kimchi.switchPage(currentPage, 'netboot-path', 'left');
+ }
+ currentPage = 'netboot-path';
+ $('#template-add-window .modal-body .template-pager').animate({
+ height: "300px"
+ }, 400);
+ $('#btn-template-file-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 1 - Folder path
+ $('#btn-template-local-iso-create').attr('disabled', 'disabled').css('display', 'none'); // 2 - Selected ISOs
+ $('#btn-template-netboot-create').removeAttr('disabled').css('display', 'inline-block'); // 3 - Netboot
+ }
+ });
//do create
var addTemplate = function(data, callback) {
kimchi.createTemplate(data, function() {
diff --git a/ui/pages/template-add.html.tmpl b/ui/pages/template-add.html.tmpl
index 4226a8f..87d6cb4 100644
--- a/ui/pages/template-add.html.tmpl
+++ b/ui/pages/template-add.html.tmpl
@@ -30,11 +30,18 @@
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="template-modal-container">
<div id="alert-modal-container"></div>
+ <div>
+ <h5>$_("Where is the source media for this template? ")</h5>
+ <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="iso-source" id="image-src" value="image-src" class="wok-radio">
+ <label for="image-src">$_("Image Template")</label>
+ <input type="radio" name="iso-source" id="netboot-src" value="netboot-src" class="wok-radio">
+ <label for="netboot-src">$_("Netboot Template")</label>
+ </div>
<div class="template-pager">
<div class="page-list">
<div class="page" id="iso-local-box">
- <div id="loading-isos">
+ <div id="loading-isos hidden">
<div class="wok-mask-loader-container">
<div class="wok-mask-loading">
<div class="wok-mask-loading-icon"></div>
@@ -103,16 +110,20 @@
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="modal-footer">
- <button class="btn btn-default" id="btn-template-file-create" disabled="disabled">$_("Create")</button>
- <button class="btn btn-default" id="btn-template-local-iso-create" disabled="disabled">$_("Create")</button>
- <button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" type="button">$_("Cancel")</button>
- </div>
+ <div class="page" id="netboot-path">
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="modal-footer">
+ <button class="btn btn-default" id="btn-template-file-create" disabled="disabled">$_("Create")</button>
+ <button class="btn btn-default" id="btn-template-local-iso-create" disabled="disabled">$_("Create")</button>
+ <button class="btn btn-default" id="btn-template-netboot-create" disabled="disabled">$_("Create")</button>
+ <button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" type="button">$_("Cancel")</button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
8 years, 8 months
[PATCH] [Kimchi] Save last view for templates - fix for issue# 799
by Socorro Stoppler
This patch addresses github issue# 799. The last view of the Templates tab
is not being remembered either after switching tabs or exiting Kimchi. When
switching view from List to Gallery (or vice versa), the next time the
user goes back to the Templates tab, whatever view it was last on should
be what is shown when going back to the Templates tab. Thanks to samhenri
in helping resolve the last issue.
Signed-off-by: Socorro Stoppler <socorro(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
ui/js/src/kimchi.template_main.js | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ui/js/src/kimchi.template_main.js b/ui/js/src/kimchi.template_main.js
index 22a3509..ed49246 100644
--- a/ui/js/src/kimchi.template_main.js
+++ b/ui/js/src/kimchi.template_main.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ kimchi.doListTemplates = function() {
listHtml += wok.substitute(templateHtml, value);
- $('.wok-vm-list').removeClass('hidden');
+ $('ul#templates-grid').removeClass('hidden');
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ kimchi.doListTemplates = function() {
} else {
- $('.wok-vm-list').addClass('hidden');
+ $('ul#templates-grid').addClass('hidden');
$('.wok-mask').fadeOut(300, function() {});
@@ -58,10 +58,47 @@ kimchi.doListTemplates = function() {
kimchi.toggleTemplatesGallery = function() {
- $(".wok-vm-list, .wok-vm-gallery").toggleClass("wok-vm-list wok-vm-gallery");
- $(".wok-list, .wok-gallery").toggleClass("wok-list wok-gallery");
- var text = $('#gallery-table-button span.text').text();
- $('#gallery-table-button span.text').text(text == i18n['KCHTMPL6005M'] ? i18n['KCHTMPL6004M'] : i18n['KCHTMPL6005M']);
+ $(".wok-vm-list, .wok-vm-gallery").toggleClass("wok-vm-list wok-vm-gallery");
+ $(".wok-list, .wok-gallery").toggleClass("wok-list wok-gallery");
+ var text = $('#gallery-table-button span.text').text();
+ $('#gallery-table-button span.text').text(text == i18n['KCHTMPL6005M'] ? i18n['KCHTMPL6004M'] : i18n['KCHTMPL6005M']);
+ var buttonText = $('#gallery-table-button span.text').text();
+ if (buttonText.indexOf("Gallery") !== -1) {
+ // Currently in list view
+ kimchi.setTemplateView("templateView", "list");
+ } else {
+ // Currently in gallery
+ kimchi.setTemplateView("templateView", "gallery");
+ }
+kimchi.setTemplateView = function(name, value) {
+ window.localStorage.setItem(name, value);
+kimchi.readTemplateView = function(name) {
+ var viewName = window.localStorage.getItem(name);
+ if (viewName !== "") {
+ return viewName;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+kimchi.showTemplateGallery = function() {
+ $(".wok-vm-list").addClass("wok-vm-gallery");
+ $(".wok-list").addClass("wok-gallery");
+ $(".wok-vm-gallery").removeClass("wok-vm-list");
+ $(".wok-gallery").removeClass("wok-list");
+ $('#gallery-table-button span.text').text(i18n['KCHTMPL6004M']);
+kimchi.showTemplateList = function() {
+ $(".wok-vm-gallery").addClass("wok-vm-list");
+ $(".wok-gallery").addClass("wok-list");
+ $(".wok-vm-list").removeClass("wok-vm-gallery");
+ $(".wok-list").removeClass("wok-gallery");
+ $('#gallery-table-button span.text').text(i18n['KCHTMPL6005M']);
kimchi.templateBindClick = function() {
@@ -117,6 +154,20 @@ kimchi.hideTitle = function() {
kimchi.template_main = function() {
+ var viewFound = kimchi.readTemplateView("templateView");
+ if (viewFound) {
+ if(viewFound === "gallery") {
+ // should be showing gallery
+ kimchi.showTemplateGallery();
+ } else {
+ // Should be showing list
+ kimchi.showTemplateList();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Default to showing list
+ kimchi.showTemplateList();
+ }
if (wok.tabMode['templates'] === 'admin') {
$('.tools').attr('style', 'display');
$("#template-add").on("click", function(event) {
8 years, 8 months
[PATCH] [Kimchi] model/vms.py: changing all interfaces VM
by dhbarboza82@gmail.com
From: Daniel Henrique Barboza <danielhb(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
to include search and replace of all mac addresses, not
just those that belongs to type='network' interfaces.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Henrique Barboza <danielhb(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
model/vms.py | 5 ++---
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/model/vms.py b/model/vms.py
index 7745027..6a309fc 100644
--- a/model/vms.py
+++ b/model/vms.py
@@ -86,9 +86,8 @@ VM_OFFLINE_UPDATE_PARAMS = ['cpu_info', 'graphics', 'groups', 'memory',
XPATH_DOMAIN_DISK = "/domain/devices/disk[@device='disk']/source/@file"
XPATH_DOMAIN_DISK_BY_FILE = "./devices/disk[@device='disk']/source[@file='%s']"
XPATH_DOMAIN_NAME = '/domain/name'
-XPATH_DOMAIN_MAC = "/domain/devices/interface[@type='network']/mac/@address"
-XPATH_DOMAIN_MAC_BY_ADDRESS = "./devices/interface[@type='network']/"\
- "mac[@address='%s']"
+XPATH_DOMAIN_MAC = "/domain/devices/interface/mac/@address"
+XPATH_DOMAIN_MAC_BY_ADDRESS = "./devices/interface/mac[@address='%s']"
XPATH_DOMAIN_MEMORY = '/domain/memory'
XPATH_DOMAIN_MEMORY_UNIT = '/domain/memory/@unit'
XPATH_DOMAIN_UUID = '/domain/uuid'
8 years, 8 months
[PATCH v2] [Wok 0/3] Adding DataTables.net plugin and Moment.js to Wok
by sguimaraes943@gmail.com
From: Samuel Guimarães <sguimaraes943(a)gmail.com>
Some files are minified. Let me know if they were corrupted by git send-email --no-validate
This commit adds DataTables.net jQuery plugin and Moment.js library to Wok.
DataTables.net is a table plugin that supports pagination, instance search and multi-column ordering. It also has a responsive module and it is compatible with many different CSS libraries.
In this commit it is included a customization for its Bootstrap integration and a default initialization script pre-loaded with Wok styles.
Moment.js is a lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. It is required in order to filter and sort dates properly in Wok User Logs and Ginger Configuration Backup.
v2 - Added minified files that were ignored by .gitignore
v3 - Included DataTables plugins and separated files in different commits.
Samuel Guimarães (3):
Initial commit for Datatables.net and Moment.JS
Added Moment.JS file with locales
Added DataTables.net JS minified files
configure.ac | 3 +
ui/css/Makefile.am | 8 +-
ui/css/datatables.bootstrap.css | 243 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
ui/css/src/datatables.bootstrap.scss | 289 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
ui/js/src/wok.datatables.js | 42 +++++
ui/libs/Makefile.am | 2 +-
ui/libs/datatables/Makefile.am | 23 +++
ui/libs/datatables/css/Makefile.am | 21 +++
ui/libs/datatables/css/datatables.min.css | 24 +++
ui/libs/datatables/datatables.min.js | 273 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
ui/libs/moment/LICENSE | 22 +++
ui/libs/moment/Makefile.am | 21 +++
ui/libs/moment/moment-with-locales.min.js | 76 ++++++++
ui/pages/login.html.tmpl | 4 +
ui/pages/wok-ui.html.tmpl | 4 +
15 files changed, 1052 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 ui/css/datatables.bootstrap.css
create mode 100644 ui/css/src/datatables.bootstrap.scss
create mode 100644 ui/js/src/wok.datatables.js
create mode 100644 ui/libs/datatables/Makefile.am
create mode 100644 ui/libs/datatables/css/Makefile.am
create mode 100644 ui/libs/datatables/css/datatables.min.css
create mode 100644 ui/libs/datatables/datatables.min.js
create mode 100644 ui/libs/moment/LICENSE
create mode 100644 ui/libs/moment/Makefile.am
create mode 100644 ui/libs/moment/moment-with-locales.min.js
8 years, 8 months
[PATCH V3] [Kimchi 0/7] Updates to support Fedora 24 and new distros
by pvital@linux.vnet.ibm.com
From: Paulo Vital <pvital(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
V2 -> V3:
- Updated remote links to Debian, OpenSUSE, Gentoo and Ubuntu
- Updated test_rest.py to support changes in the distros info.
V1 -> V2:
- Fix missing ","
This patch-set adds support to recognize Fedora 24 ISO images and add new
options for remote Fedora images.
Paulo Vital (7):
Issue #965: Recognize Fedora 24 ISO image.
Update Fedora remote images.
Update Debian remote images.
Update Gentoo remote images.
Update OpenSUSE remote images.
Update Ubuntu remote images.
Update unit tests to changes in Remote links.
distros.d/debian.json | 6 ++---
distros.d/fedora.json | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
distros.d/gentoo.json | 13 +++++++---
distros.d/opensuse.json | 7 ++++++
distros.d/ubuntu.json | 67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
isoinfo.py | 1 +
tests/test_rest.py | 10 ++++----
7 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
8 years, 8 months
[PATCH] [Wok] Make sure all log messages have required parameters
by Lucio Correia
Signed-off-by: Lucio Correia <luciojhc(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
src/wok/root.py | 5 ++++-
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/wok/root.py b/src/wok/root.py
index e2b9216..8601b71 100644
--- a/src/wok/root.py
+++ b/src/wok/root.py
@@ -146,9 +146,12 @@ class WokRoot(Root):
self.paths = wok_paths
self.domain = 'wok'
self.messages = messages
- self.log_map = ROOT_REQUESTS
self.extends = None
+ # set user log messages and make sure all parameters are present
+ self.log_map = ROOT_REQUESTS
+ self.log_args.update({'username': ''})
def login(self, *args):
method = 'POST'
8 years, 8 months