On 16/11/2015 15:05, Samuel Henrique De Oliveira Guimaraes wrote:
I’m bit confused here. This is the current workflow:
·1 – CD-ROM:
·2 – File Path
·1 – Disk:
·2 – Storage Pool (List in Select element / Combobox)
·3 – Storage Volume (List in Select element / Combobox of available
Then the new design is:
·1 – CD-ROM:
·2 – File Path
·1 – Disk:
·2 – Radio button: Create a new disk image
·2 – Radio button: Select existing disk image
·3 – Radio Button – Existing Storage Pool (List in Select element /
1.4 - Storage Volume (List in Select element / Combobox of available
·3 – Radio Button – New Volume
1.4 – New Volume
Is that right?
Almost there:
We are proposing the following:
3. New volume
3.1 Select pool to create the new volume
3.2 Specify volume capacity
In both case, new disk or existing disk, the user must select the
storage pool.
For a new disk, we **don't list** iSCSI and SCSI pools (as they are
read-only). But from an existing disk, we can list all pools.
*From:*Aline Manera [mailto:alinefm@linux.vnet.ibm.com]
*Sent:* segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2015 14:24
*To:* Socorro Stoppler <socorro(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>; Paulo Ricardo Paz
Vital <pvital(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>; Samuel Henrique De Oliveira
Guimaraes <samuel.guimaraes(a)eldorado.org.br>; Andre Luiz Teodoro
<andre.teodoro(a)eldorado.org.br>; Kimchi Devel <kimchi-devel(a)ovirt.org>
*Subject:* Re: Guest disk: Allocate storage volume when attaching disk
to vm
Adding Samuel and Andre to this discussion and also forward to Kimchi ML.
On 16/11/2015 14:21, Aline Manera wrote:
Hi Socorro,
On 12/11/2015 21:20, Socorro Stoppler wrote:
Hi Aline,
I chatted w/Paulo about the UI portion of this. He stated
that the user has the option to select to add a new volume (in
which the the UI must execute two requests: one to create a
volume, and other to attach the new volume to the guest being
edited). So in this screen (I know it's the old UI but this
shows better than current new UI :)):
What do you think of 3. being radio buttons? -
I think 2 should be that radio buttons.
1. Device type
2. ( ) Create a new disk image
( ) Select existing disk image
3. Storage pool
4. Capacity or Volume (depends on selection on 2.)
Below is how virt-manage does it.
<New Volume> -
Volume: Storage volume name of 'new_vol' --- we prob
do not need to show this in the UI, right?
Capacity: in bytes
Format: qcow2 -- is this the only option we want to
<Create Button>
<Existing Volume> - which consists of current combobox above
Also, if user selects to do the new volume, then created it,
but decided that they didn't want to attach it, is that ok?
Not sure of the different scenarios we have
or if I'm totally missing the intent here.
Let me know if you had envisioned something else for this UI.