Juan Hernandez has submitted this change and it was merged.
Change subject: restapi: Fix format of "Link" header
restapi: Fix format of "Link" header
The introduction of version 4 of the API included a regression in this
area: the "Link" header that is part of the HEAD request isn't formatted
correctly. This patch fixes that issue.
Change-Id: I08a5845577a6871d08d700b929ed647c55d9a5bd
Signed-off-by: Juan Hernandez <juan.hernandez(a)redhat.com>
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Juan Hernandez: Verified; Looks good to me, approved
Jenkins CI: Passed CI tests
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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I08a5845577a6871d08d700b929ed647c55d9a5bd
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: ovirt-engine
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Juan Hernandez <juan.hernandez(a)redhat.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jenkins CI
Gerrit-Reviewer: Juan Hernandez <juan.hernandez(a)redhat.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Petr Balogh <pbalogh(a)redhat.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: gerrit-hooks <automation(a)ovirt.org>