Allon Mureinik has submitted this change and it was merged.
Change subject: core: Example: Use UUID for handling database Guids
core: Example: Use UUID for handling database Guids
The Postgres JDBC Driver natively supports the java.util.UUID type as a
representation of a database uuid, in both directions -
1. ResultSet#getObject(int) and ResultSet#getObject(String) return a
UUID instance when applied to a uuid column.
2. PreparedStatement#setObject(int, Object) can receive a UUID and apply
it to a uuid column.
Using the proper type has several benefits:
1. Save the CPU operations on UUID.getString() and Guid(String) when
using ResultSet.getObject(int) or ResultSet.getObject(String).
2. Save the CPU operations on Guid.toString() and having the DATABASE
convert a String passed to a PreparedStatement to a uuid.
3. Bind Guids as native uuids instead of varchars, making sure that
indexes will be used in the query.
This patch is an example how this should be done, presented on
This DAO was chosen since it's one of the simplest DAOs and requires the
least amount of code changes. If this patch will be accepted, subsequent
patches will apply the same changes to the other DAOs.
Change-Id: I4d30e1ab7303ecad68dbc9005ac5c6ef733f1707
Signed-off-by: Allon Mureinik <amureini(a)>
4 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
Allon Mureinik: Verified; Looks good to me, approved
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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I4d30e1ab7303ecad68dbc9005ac5c6ef733f1707
Gerrit-PatchSet: 5
Gerrit-Project: ovirt-engine
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Allon Mureinik <amureini(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Alissa Bonas <abonas(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Allon Mureinik <amureini(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Greg Padgett <gpadgett(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Liran Zelkha <liran.zelkha(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Maor Lipchuk <mlipchuk(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Mike Kolesnik <mkolesni(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Omer Frenkel <ofrenkel(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Tal Nisan <tnisan(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Yair Zaslavsky <yzaslavs(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: oVirt Jenkins CI Server