[ovirt] #17: Backups - what, where, when
by ovirt
#17: Backups - what, where, when
Reporter: quaid | Owner: infra@…
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: critical | Milestone: oVirt 3.2
Component: General | Version: Production
Severity: High | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
We need to work out solutions for:
* OpenShift backup
* Other servers
* Where can backups live?
* What can be backed-up on borrowed community space?
* What should be encrypted
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/17>
ovirt <http://www.ovirt.org/>
oVirt - virtualization made easy.
10 years, 8 months
[ovirt] #31: Licensing (rights) link disappears when graphic is not used
by ovirt
#31: Licensing (rights) link disappears when graphic is not used
Reporter: quaid | Owner: infra@…
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: critical | Milestone: oVirt 3.2
Component: wiki (MediaWiki) | Version: Test
Severity: Trivial | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
I removed the incorrect-usage-of-a-trademark Apache logo from the footer
that was being used to link to the [[Licensing]] page of the wiki.
According to http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgRightsText just
having text there should make it appear as the text for the $wgRightsPage
and show $wgRightsUrl. If there is no $wgRightsText set, it should revert
to just showing the $wgRightsPage or $wgRightsUrl.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/ovirt/ticket/31>
ovirt <http://www.ovirt.org/>
oVirt - virtualization made easy.
11 years, 7 months
Is the wiki slow again?
by Fabian Deutsch
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is it just for me or is the wiki in general slow again?
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11 years, 12 months
Ovirt live job - disk space full.
by Ohad Basan
Hey everyone.
I've made a job that generates a daily ovirt live iso.
looks like it creates massive temp files on the process and fills up the slave's disk space.
so until we'll have servers with bigger storage I've disabled the job (unless someone has a creative idea.)
12 years
Re: [Users] OS-independent ovirt-engine distribution archive
by Eyal Edri
it is now available via ovirt nightly builds as 'ovirt-engine-archive.tar.gz':
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jiri Belka" <jbelka(a)redhat.com>
> To: users(a)ovirt.org
> Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 10:56:39 AM
> Subject: [Users] OS-independent ovirt-engine distribution archive
> Hello,
> I'm very slowly working to make ovirt-engine running on a BSD system.
> My problem is that I do it for fun and as my time resources are not
> big
> I could not choose building ovirt-engine from sources as it would
> push
> me to "port" (make packages) for all java dependencies. Yes, during
> build maven cannot download Internet and build dependencies (for
> security reasons).
> Would be possible to have (another) distribution archive of
> ovirt-engine which would be OS/distro-independent, so I could just
> extract and copy it to filesystem for local jboss? (RPM packages can
> be
> extracted with 'rpm2cpio' but their owners decided to make life very
> complicated [many symlinks etc.]).
> OS/distro-independent distribution archive (.zip, .tgz) would make
> life
> much easiers for people wanting to have ovirt-engine running on a
> non-RPM based Linux distro or on a BSD/Solaris system.
> jbelka
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12 years