Dafna Ron reassigned OVIRT-2024:
Assignee: Dafna Ron (was: infra)
virt-sparsify fails silently
Key: OVIRT-2024
Project: oVirt - virtualization made easy
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Dafna Ron
Assignee: Dafna Ron
Labels: ost_failures
virt-sparsify fails silently (intentionally silently).
you can see the error in the host vdsm log (even on successful builds)
018-05-14 07:15:02,271-0400 ERROR (tasks/6) [root] Job
u'796dd36e-0095-4adc-afb9-8b011f6b8ced' failed (jobs:221)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/jobs.py", line 157, in run
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/sdm/api/sparsify_volume.py", line
56, in _run
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/virtsparsify.py", line 71, in
raise cmdutils.Error(cmd, rc, out, err)
Error: Command ['/usr/bin/virt-sparsify', '--machine-readable',
39-af9e51e3c2cb'] failed with rc=1 out=['3/12'] err=['virt-sparsify:
error: libguestfs error: guestfs_launch failed.', 'This usually means the
libguestfs appliance failed to start or crashed.', 'Do:', ' export
FS_TRACE=1', 'and run the command again. For further information, read:',
http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html#debugging-libguestfs';, "You can
also run 'libguestfs-test-tool' and post the *complete* output", 'into a
bug report or
message to the libguestfs mailing list.', '', 'If reporting bugs, run
virt-sparsify with debugging enabled and include the ', 'complete output:',
'', ' virt-sparsify -v -x [...]']
2018-05-14 07:15:02,273-0400 INFO (tasks/6) [root] Job
u'796dd36e-0095-4adc-afb9-8b011f6b8ced' will be deleted in 3600 seconds
2018-05-14 07:15:02,273-0400 DEBUG (tasks/6) [jsonrpc.Notification] Sending event
{"params": {"status": "failed", "description":
"sparsify_volume", "job_type": "storage", "error":
{"message": "General Exception: ('Command [\\'/usr/bin/vir
t-sparsify\\', \\'--machine-readable\\', \\'--in-place\\',
'] failed with rc=1 out=[\\'3/12\\'] err=[\\'virt-sparsify: error:
libguestfs error: guestfs_launch failed.\\', \\'This usually means the libguestfs
appliance failed to start or crashed.\\', \\'Do:\\', \\' export
ESTFS_TRACE=1\\', \\'and run the command again. For further information,
read:\\', \\'
http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html#debugging-libguestfs\\';, \"You can also
run \\'libguestfs-test-tool\\' and post the *complete* output\", \\'
into a bug report or message to the libguestfs mailing list.\\', \\'\\',
\\'If reporting bugs, run virt-sparsify with debugging enabled and include the
\\', \\'complete output:\\', \\'\\', \\' virt-sparsify -v -x
[...]\\']',)", "code": 1
00}, "notify_time": 4295843980, "id":
"796dd36e-0095-4adc-afb9-8b011f6b8ced"}, "jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "|jobs|status|796dd36e-0095-4adc-afb9-8b011f6b8ced"}
2018-05-14 07:15:02,273-0400 DEBUG (tasks/6) [vds] Sending notification
|jobs|status|796dd36e-0095-4adc-afb9-8b011f6b8ced with params {'status':
'failed', 'description': 'sparsify_volume', 'job_type':
'storage', 'error': {'message': 'Gene
ral Exception: (\'Command [\\\'/usr/bin/virt-sparsify\\\',
\\\'--machine-readable\\\', \\\'--in-place\\\',
104f2b6c4d/77eb6602-13ac-46aa-a439-af9e51e3c2cb\\\'] failed with rc=1
out=[\\\'3/12\\\'] err=[\\\'virt-sparsify: error: libguestfs error:
guestfs_launch failed.\\\', \\\'This usually means the libguestfs appliance failed
to start or crash
ed.\\\', \\\'Do:\\\', \\\' export LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1
LIBGUESTFS_TRACE=1\\\', \\\'and run the command again. For further information,
read:\\\', \\\'
http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html#debugging-libguestfs\\\';, "You can also
run \
\\'libguestfs-test-tool\\\' and post the *complete* output", \\\'into a
bug report or message to the libguestfs mailing list.\\\', \\\'\\\',
\\\'If reporting bugs, run virt-sparsify with debugging enabled and include the
\\\', \\\'complet
e output:\\\', \\\'\\\', \\\' virt-sparsify -v -x
[...]\\\']\',)', 'code': 100}, 'notify_time': 4295843980,
'id': u'796dd36e-0095-4adc-afb9-8b011f6b8ced'} (clientIF:225)
2018-05-14 07:15:02,274-0400 INFO (tasks/6) [storage.ThreadPool.WorkerThread] FINISH
task 041a7423-8c05-44b2-b3c9-6d5cf8710edc (threadPool:210)
2018-05-14 07:15:04,229-0400 DEBUG (qgapoller/1) [vds] Not sending QEMU-GA command
'guest-get-users' to vm_id='e1317264-a572-47e0-98b4-d492239e285e', command
is not supported (qemuguestagent:192)
2018-05-14 07:15:04,230-0400 DEBUG (qgapoller/2) [vds] Not sending QEMU-GA command
'guest-get-users' to vm_id='29a56e04-51c7-4f25-b3c8-6df5489b2445', command
is not supported (qemuguestagent:192)
2018-05-14 07:15:05,186-0400 DEBUG (vmchannels) [vds] Timeout on fileno 63.
Shmuel is investigating and we need to follow up with him.