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This email is to kick-off the discussion about how we want to design our
new hosting.
Presuming the following:
* 2 servers at AlterWay
* 2 servers at RackSpace
* Both bare metal
* Each machine with 4 to 8 cores, 8 to 16 GB
How do we want to layout services, interactions, backup, etc.?
* Migrate Mailman first - easy, crucial, gets jammed up on full Linode
* On top of the base OS, how many VMs do we want?
** Does Jenkins master want to own the entire box? Figuring yes ...
** Second host, which could be running Gerrit eventually, do we want
that partitioned in to VMs? Or does Gerrit want the entire box? Figuring
no ...
*** Gerrit gets 50% of resources in one VM
*** Remaining resources go to host OS and 1 to 4 VMs(?)
**** Mailman goes on one of those remaining VMs
* Do we need a separate database?
** Does Jenkins or Gerrit use a db?
** We could have a VM running a db on a private network ...
We talked in IRC about having one or more hacking sprints to do Infra
work over the coming holiday breaks:
* 26th
* 29th
* 30th
Any of those work for people? Other suggestions?
Cheers - Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth .^\
@quaid ( \v' gpg: AD0E0C41
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