
  • 30 participants
  • 615 discussions
Change in ovirt-engine[master]: engine: Improve log message on failure to connect to storage...
by mlipchuk@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
Change in ovirt-engine[master]: packaging: spec: force update of openjdk which leaks memory
by sbonazzo@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
Change in ovirt-hosted-engine-setup[ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-1.0]: build: ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-1.0.0-0.11.beta6
by sbonazzo@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
Change in ovirt-hosted-engine-ha[master]: build: ovirt-hosted-engine-ha-0.1.0-0.9.beta1
by gpadgett@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
Change in ovirt-hosted-engine-ha[master]: agent: Migrate engine VM only for local maintenance
by gpadgett@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
Change in ovirt-engine[master]: core: [Fix] Check PCI limits when adding NICs
by masayag@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
Change in ovirt-engine[ovirt-engine-3.3]: engine: Fix slow API query for list of templates in a Datace...
by iheim@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
Change in ovirt-engine[master]: frontend: ignore in findbugs EventArgs unconfirmed cast errors
by amureini@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
Change in ovirt-engine[master]: core: broad catch in LdapTemplateWrapperFactory
by amureini@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
Change in ovirt-engine[master]: core: Reduce array visibility of ContextMappers
by amureini@redhat.com
11 years, 1 month
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